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Original title: インサルトオーダー ~生イキにゃん娘の快堕メニュー~Language: English Developer: Miconisomi Release: Censorship: Censored (for now, check back later) OS platform: Windows Insult Order Download 1Fichier – Uptobox – Userscloud – Drive – NoFile.IO – Uploadhaven Multiup Uncensored Patch Extract to game folder GDrive. “Sod in British English is a somewhat offensive, pejorative term for a person, derived from sodomite but rarely nowadays used with this meaning. As an insult, it is generally teamed with ‘off’, i.e., ‘sod off’ meaning to get lost/go away/fuck off.
This list is not for the faint of heart and will feature some rather rude language. #8 is more commonly used to mean crazy or mental.#30 typo – should read ‘lazy sod’#33 is more silly, foolish. Would only be applied to a man if he was weedy or effeminate.#40 – typo – Daft as a Brush#43 – typo – Gone to the Dogs#45 more commonly used to describe extreme happiness rather than promiscuity.#46 – see also ‘Mad as a box of frogs’#48 more slag or minger – nothing to do with being cheap, just nasty. When used on a man, equivalent of wanker or douche.About Jo – Jo is an ex-pat Brit who has lived in the USA for 11 years. Originally from London, she has lived in Cornwall, Somerset, Milton Keynes and North Wales so has been exposed to a great deal of regional scatology as well as the regular kind over the years in her career in Customer service. Finds the American vocabulary to be distinctly lackiing when it comes to creative insults but works hard on remedying the situation.
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Has succeeded in introducing ‘Bollocks’, ‘Piss Off’ and ‘Bloody Hell’ into the vernacular of the western Atlanta area. I think that severity varies regionally on several of these though, as my (great) aunt would frequently call us kids berks and when I was older and looked up the origin, I was v shocked 🙂 I feel like we also used it a lot at school, and not in a malicious way. More sort of, you’re a bit daft but lovable any road. Similarly, ‘prat’ was fairly mild whereas ‘twat’ was quite strong.
I also would never have used ‘prat’ for vagina as has been suggested. For reference, I went to school in N Yorkshire in the 90s and she’s from Lancashire.As a sidenote, I would say that just because the origin of ‘wanker’ or ‘tosser’ is someone who masturbates, doesn’t mean it’s used exclusively for that. Similarly, ‘bastard’ obviously means someone who is illegitimate, but you’re not actually implying someone is when you call them that.
I myself am v partial to calling someone a tosser whilst making no judgements about the frequency of their self pleasure.Judith Hurdle says. Apologies didn’t mean to put that there before I’d finished! One thing I did want to point out is generally ‘Chav’ is a noun to describe/insult people- in general use it tends to cover how they dress/style themselves i.e. Cheryl Cole, Cher Lloyd etc‘Chavvy’ is the adjectiveThe only group of American people that come close to the word ‘Chav’ that I can think of are people featured on 16 and pregnant and Jersey Shore!The term ‘pikie’ is mildly racist- and a bit more than just someone describing trashy/chavvy people.Katherine says. Following on from that, ‘chav’ is originally from a Romany (Gypsy) word meaning ‘child’, so Chav specifically refers to a teenager, though it is gradually being extended to refer to somewhat older people as well as a general insult for someone with bad taste in clothing and a cheeky or antisocial attitude.You wouldn’t though refer to a middle-aged person as a Chav. ‘Shaver’ as in ‘young shaver’ referring to a cheeky youngster comes from the same source, though it’s less commonly heard now.Tim Moore says.
I’d be a bit careful using the words ‘pikey’ and ‘gypo’ – yes they are commonly used to refer to something or someone lacking class but they are also hugely derogatory terms that refer to gypsies and travelers.On a separate note, I always though ‘wazzock’ was a West Country term.The trouble with British slang it is so nuanced that somebody not 100% sure of what they are saying can get theselves into a lot of trouble very quickly. I lived with a few Canadians, one of whom was always getting the context wrong. ‘Twat’ for example means ‘vagina’ and is fine among mates but I would never use it at work. ‘Bugger’ mean anal sex but would be fine to be used in the office.Mummy not Mawmee says.
Ok, I have to jump in here. First my son popped out with proper diction and was sent to speech class to learn to speak redneck. He can mimic it for sport, but speaks a soft RP. (He was addicted to BBC and historical documentaries then began playing online with people from all over the world – he also caused a bit of a stir singing ‘God save the Queen’ at the school play when others were singing the American version of the song ) Second, he used British slang to return insults to school mates. One day a boy on the bus began a huge tirade of horrid words toward him. My son returned them in kind, emphasizing Bugger — the other little boy got expelled for language — When asked what Bugger meant by the teacher, My son replied, ‘Someone who bugs you, ma’am.” I can’t imagine the look on her face if she ever puts together that ‘he sounds kinda English err sumpthin’ with British slang — define Buggery! Still ROF.Paula Louise says.
HeyI’m from south London, with a Cockney mother, so there aren’t many British insults (cusses) that I haven’t heard.Just thought I’d correct a few things – Tosser and Wanker both mean someone who masturbates a lot 😉 and Pratt and Twat are both slang terms for Vagina, but are used as derogatory terms for an idiot or arsehole.Just because you seem to enjoy this stuff here is a term used when something is better than nothing (I heard this for the first time when I was about 8, after my dad had won a tenner on the lottery).It better than a poke in the eye with a carrot.EnjoyKelly 🙂.says. Just got back on Sat. After 12 days in the UK. Weather changes every 15 minutes.literallyit was sunny on minute, then very dark cloudy, then rain, back to sunny. We just kept on going. This was our 6th visit to the UK and each visit is more enjoyable.
We just love wandering around the villages, such as Beaconfield, Gerrards Cross, Amersham for example. Often we catch “market day” which is fun to browse the stalls of food, veggies, and “stuff”. We road the train into the city and toured St. Paul’s Cathedral one day. Also, we drove to Straford-Upon-Avon and visit “Willie’s” place. What a charming town.had a great lunch at the pub along the river. As I said we enjoy wandering the countryside and the villages alot and just some time in the city.I enjoy your website alot.
Thanksruth bryant.Denise says. I really enjoyed this article but I found some of it to be somewhat factually incorrect and some great opportunities have been missed. I hope you don’t mind but I’ve added corrections expanded some of the definitions for you.1.Tosser – Supreme Asshole or jerk. Incorrect: A tosser is someone who masturbates a lot; more specifically a man.
A woman cannot ‘toss herself off’, she would have to ‘rub one out’ however it is permissible for both man and woman to not ‘give a toss’ which is pretty much the same as ‘couldn’t give a shit’. Also a word that can be combined with others for impact: “what are you looking at you fucking tosspot”?2.Wanker – Idiot. Incorrect: this is another word for someone who masturbates a lot and is again more properly applied to men than women – ‘to wank oneself off’ or ‘to have a wank’. Wank and toss are mostly interchangeable but it would never be proper to claim that you ‘couldn’t give a wank’ – never. Another word that can be combined for comic effect: “Oh that’s very funny that is, did you think that up yourself wankchops”?3.Slag – Whore, the worst kind. Partially correct: A slag is properly applied to any sexually promiscuous woman, a bit like a slut but with one big difference: A slut sleeps with everybody and anybody whereas a slag sleeps with everybody and anybody but you.4.Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys – The French.
Correct: England versus Germany, France is the pitch.5.Lost the plot – Gone crazy or completely stupid. Correct.6.Daft Cow – Dumb, large woman. Incorrect: A woman with below average intelligence or any woman (who may be of exceptional intelligence) that has done something particular dull witted.7.Arsehole – Asshole. Incorrect: The correct spelling is arsehole and it always will be.8.Barmy – Stupid or crazy. Partially correct: Someone who is barmy is a bit eccentric rather than stupid or crazy. The important difference being that to describe someone as barmy would normally be done with affection.9.Chav – White Trash / Low Class. Correct: Only properly applied to whites.10.Dodgy – Shady character.
Partially correct: A character can be dodgy but so can inanimate objects.“Oi Jim, fancy buying this telly for a fiver”.“I dunno Dave, is it dodgy”?“Of course it’s fucking dodgy you gormless cunt, who sells a telly for a fiver unless it’s bent? Div”!11.Git – Moron, Idiot. Partially correct: More proper applied to a person who takes enjoyment from petty and callow behaviour.12.Gormless – Complete lack of common sense. Correct: Someone who is, quite frankly, a bit of a div.13.Manky – Disgusting. Correct.14.Minger – Very unattractive woman. Correct: A woman who is only to be sexually entertained after lashings of beer. The word can also be shortened to ‘Minge’ which is another word for a ladies rude parts – twat, fanny, lovebox etc.15.Muppet – Dimwit (not the puppet variety).
Correct.16.Naff – Tacky. Correct.17.Nutter – Someone’s who’s clearly crazy.
Correct: “Stay away from him, he’s a total nutter”. Alternatively ‘To go a bit nutty’, ‘the bloke’s a total nutbar/nutjob’ etc.18.Pikey – White trash – also used to slight Gypsies or Irish Travellers. Partially correct: Only really properly applied to gypsies. Rhymes with ‘Do as you likey’. Gypsies don’t like being called pikeys, to be honest they don’t like being call gypsies either but hey ho.19.Pillock – Idiot. Correct.20.Plonker – Idiot.
Partially correct: This comes from Person of Little Or No Knowledge, a PLONK which is slang often applied to female Police officers.21.Prat – Idiot, asshole. Correct: Except you spelled arsehole wrong, again.22.Scrubber – A nicer way to say slag. Correct: But not much nicer.23.Trollop – A lady of questionable morals.
Correct.24.Uphill Gardener – Another way of saying homosexual. Correct: See also – ‘Turd burglar’, ‘Marmite driller’ etc.25.Twit – Idiot. Correct.26.Knob Head – Dickhead. Correct.27.Piss Off – Go Away. Correct.28.Bell End – Dick Head (bell end also means penis). Correct: More properly a bell end refers specifically to the glans of the penis:“You alright Jim, you’re walking a bit funny”?“Fuck me Catherine, no I ain’t. I caught my bell end in my flies, right by the fucking Japs eye.
It stings like a bastard”.29.Lazy Sod – Useless idiot. Correct: More or less.30.Skiver – Lazy sod.
Correct: One can be a skiver and one can also ‘skive off’ or more plainly ‘skive’.“Andy, have you finished that end of week report yet”?“Sorry John, I haven’t”.“Why not Andy, why not”?“Well John, if I gave a toss about this wanky job I’d have troubled to think of a plausible excuse but the fact is that I’ve been skiving off all morning chatting up the girls in the typing office and laughing at videos of fat people falling over on Youtube” etc.31.Knob – Dick. Correct.32.Wazzock – Someone so dumb they can only do manual labor (from Yorkshire): Correct: Except for how you’ve spelled ‘labour’.33.Ninny – Brilliant but inferior.
Incorrect: This is just an abbreviation for ‘nincompoop’, which is an affectionate term for someone who’s not the sharpest tool in the box.34.Berk – Idiot. Incorrect: Actually an abbreviation for rhyming slang ‘Berkeley Hunt – Cunt’ although curiously berk is generally seen as permissible, whereas any utterance of the word cunt even Berkeley hunt is most certainly not.
Strange.35.Airy-fairy – Not strong, weak. Pretty much.36.Ankle-biters – Children. Correct.37.Arse-licker – A sycophant.
Correct:“Get your tongue out of my arse you obsequious fuck”!38.Arsemonger – A person that generate contempt. Incorrect: One who sells his arse or the arses of others. A male prostitute or a pimp.39.Chuffer – An annoying perfusion. A chuffer or chuff is synonymous with arse:“You alright there Esmerelda, you look like you’re walking funny”?“I’m in pieces actually our Margaret, it was Algernon’s Birthday yesterday so I let him give me one up the chuff for a treat and I’m still a little sore”.40.Daft as a bush – Silly, Crazy. Correct.41.Dead from the neck up – Stupid. Correct.42.Gannet – Greedy person. Correct.43.Gone to the dogs – rotten, deteriorated.
Correct.44.Ligger – freeloader. Correct: Also see ‘ponce’.45.Like a dog with two dicks – Man whore. Pretty much.46.Mad as a bag of ferrets – Crazy.
Correct: Or a ‘Box of frogs’.47.Maggot – A despicable person48.Mingebag – A bad person, an asshole who might be cheap.49.Not batting on a full wicket – Eccentric person a little crazy or odd.50.Plug-Ugly – Very Ugly person. Partially correct: Pug ugly after ugly Pug dogs or Pug ugly after pugilists i.e. Someone who looks like they’ve spent life having their face smashed in.louise says. Hi, Im from a small town just outside bath in england.
My mother is from yorkshire and my father is from the south west so there’s not many insults i haven’t heard 🙂My favorite is ‘skank’ or ‘skanky’ its just so versatile! If someone is considered to be promiscuous you could say ‘she is a skank’ or ‘her behaviour was skanky’Or if someone/something is dirty or run down it is skanky. ‘i’m not going down the rose and crown, that pub is skanky’It also applied to someone who is a benefit scrounger ‘get a job you skank’ although for some reason it doesnt work the same on a man as it does on a woman. Dont know why.Anyway that’s my addition to the list 🙂.Kieran says. Further to comments pointing out that pikey is generally used to refer to gypsies, you might be interested to know that gypsie is itself a slang word, it was a shortening of the word ‘Egyptians’ as it was widely believed that gypsies came from Egypt originaly. In fact there are huge swathes of the language that were originally slang but seem to have graduated into formal speech – ‘flare up’ for example, coud be used in a BBC news report. Chav refers to someone who wears their baseball cap under their hoody.
Allthough most chavs may come from workng class backgrounds, the term does not refer to working class people in general, who are themselves likely to use the word. As pointed out berk is rhymng slang for cunt, but you need to be aware that in London the word cunt can be used as a term of offensive or in an amiable context, i.e.
‘its good to see you again you mad cunt’, or ‘put that table down before trying to open the door you daft cunt’. Berk is most often used in this latter context, rarely as a term of offence, so I think you translation as idiot is roughly correct.Pugsley says. ‘Eejit’ is one I grew up with,polite way of dismissing an unenlightened persons point of view,As in ‘Don’t listen to him,he’s an eegit’. A favourite in lowland Scotland and widely used in Ireland but usually spelled ‘eedgit’, And one I’ve heard a few times and i’m in no way condoning such flowery language is ‘as big as a wizards sleeve’ in reference to a #3 having lost the use of her pelvic floor and used usually by jilted men describing an ex as having a f@.y like a wizards sleeve.
Or my personal favourite non pc desription of someone who profusely sweats as having been ‘sweating like a paedophile on a school bus’.georgie says. Nerd = A clever but hopelessly uncool person, obsessed with one particular subject, as in “computer nerd”.Slapper = A slag, a slut, a whoreVillage bicycle = A woman who has been “ridden” (enjoyed sexually) by practically every man locally.The lights are on but no one’s at home = A person who is completely “brain dead”.Away with the Fairies = A person who is totally crazy; mind is gone.Doolally = A person who is insane, crazy (British Army slang, dating from the British Raj in India).A brick short of a load = same as “a sandwich short of a picnic”, i.e., “not all there”, mentally.says.
Also:“Daft bint” = A silly, rather stupid girl or woman (“bint” is orig. British Army slang for “girl, young woman”; it is Arabic for “daughter” – British soldiers picked up this word when serving in Egypt)Sod off! = The same as “Piss off!”, a rude way of telling someone to get lost.
(Sod is apparently an abbreviation of “sodomite”, meaning a homosexual.)Copied from Wikipedia.“Sod in British English is a somewhat offensive, pejorative term for a person, derived from sodomite but rarely nowadays used with this meaning. As an insult, it is generally teamed with ‘off’, i.e., ‘sod off’ meaning to get lost/go away/fuck off. It can generally be applied to refer to a person in a most basic sense and frequently preceded by a modifying adjective (“That crazy sod almost ran me over!”). It can be used as many different parts of speech – e.g. In the imperative mood, “Sod off, you slag!”; or in adjective form, “sodding bastard”.
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Such uses as “Sod it!” and “Sod this” are often exclamations of frustration.”.Gibbo says. I must have had a very sheltered life during my childhood and teenage years in Greater London, before leaving to live in Italy 44 years ago, as lots of these words I did not know, perhaps for the better.

However, my mother and father were shocked and horrified when my sister and I arrived home from our all girls private school calling our mistresses (teachers) “old bags”. At the time we did not know what it meant but did not repeat the words again. However, we do use the words “silly old bats”.Tom says. I’m English (35) and have only ever heard the phrase “bash the bishop” (although they mean the same thing of course). Its an odd phrase, its used fairly seldomly, but when it is used, it is used by all sections of society -although the posher (upper) classes wouldn’t be expected to discuss such things in polite company.I’m not sure if its used north of the border (Scotland) but in answer to your questions: No, its not colloquial, & no, its not antiquated and still gets used by the younger generation.Chandrika says. My family are Brits by way of the Virginia Colony from Yorkshire.However, according to my DNA results, I’m about 10% more British than the average Brit from England. All my descendants from Yorkshire to me are Brits.
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Anglotopia was founded by Jonathan and Jackie Thomas in 2007 in a closet in Chicago. Anglotopia is for people who love Britain - whether it's British TV, Culture, History or Travel - we cover it all. Anglotopia is now our full-time jobs and we spend our time working on the site and planning our yearly trips to Britain.
In 2014, we founded, a company that offers up unique British T-shirt designs every week. In 2016, they launched a quarterly print magazine celebrating everything great about England. Join us as we explore Britain and everything it has to offer!Member of Foreign Press Association in London.