Bila Duit Ptptn 2019 Masuk

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(Last Updated On: ) How do financial institutions evaluate your loan or credit application? Why are YOU being Rejected? And just so you know, this is the most practical, highly actionable guide on the planet on “CCRIS Check Online”. The best part? We are going to shed light on how to turn your loan or credit application from REJECT status to APPROVED. And how CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System), a system which records personal credit rating of Malaysians, really works. In short, if you want to solve your CCRIS issues, this guide is your best chance.

Let’s get started.(with over 200+ questions & answers in the comment section below this article, you surely will find the most relevant answer to your questions. So make sure you stick around and don’t leave this CCRIS guide before you read everything in the comments section)Table of Contents. What is CCRISCCRIS is a centralized system under Bank Negara which compiles data on your outstanding loan amount and payment history for the past 12 months, at any given time. Any records older than 12 months are 'purged'.If you are late in payment (lets say 6 months outstanding in Feb 2015) but you have paid off the outstanding in March 2015, the records will still show February = 6 months, March = 0 months, April = 0 months. As CCRIS is a report for 12 month period, the 6 months in arrears records will only 'disappear' in February 2016 (12 months later). You just cannot erase or request to clear it before that, as it is a rolling report.If it shows, for example, 2 2 2 2 – -, meaning your loan has been due for 2 payments for 4 months.Everyone has their CCRIS report which can be retrieved by financial bodies and by the individual himself, but not by other people. In other words, your eligibility for loan has nothing to do with how well you know your banker (although that.might help?).

The Credit Bureau is legally empowered to collect credit information about you from these financial institutions.However, the Credit Bureau simply reports and does not 'judge' your creditworthiness. Alternative way to do CCRIS check online and resolve CCRIS problems, without stepping out from your house or office - get your CCRIS report in 30 minutes even during non-office hours, weekends or public holidays.Get the instructions guide (in the short online mini course) belowWe will send you the access link after payment.1a. Pay RM 19.90 using JomPAY via your online banking - Biller Code: 392222. Send proof of payment to3.

KLIK DI SINI; Hanya pemohon yang telah mendapat tawaran kemasukan ke IPT boleh memohon pembiayaan pendidikan PTPTN. Jadual Tarikh Tutup.

You will usually get your the access link within 1 working day - via email so check your email inbox Testimonials from people who bought this Guide and used it to resolve their CCRIS issuesAny other way to check CCRIS F.O.C. Welcome To Sandon Financial ServicesWe are currently on a promotion, giving out loan for only 3% interest rate per year. Hi, I’ve applied car loan but bank officer said they’re not able to retrieve my ccris report and can’t proceed further unless they’re able to retrieve my records.

I went to BNM and got my ccris report in a minute and now I can also download it. The records are clean in the ccris report but bank is still saying the same thing that they’re not able to retrieve it at their end. I tried with other 2 banks and they’re also having the same issues.

The bank officers are not able to advise how this matter can be resolved now. Even though I applied credit card with a international bank in the same month I applied car loan. I already got my credit card but still have the same issues for car loan.

Would be able to advise how this can be resolved. Thanks for the reply. No, I’ve not given them the hard copy of report but I show it in my phone by login on the spot infront of the officer.

Infact, the bank officer asked me if I can give him the hard copy so that he can try to get an exceptional approval but I hesitate to share it coz it’s confidential and even that is not an assurance coz bank may still wait to retrieve it at their end but yeah my loan might get approved, that’s what office suggested me. Is there any harm or risk to share my ccris report with bank officer? If it’s safe then probably I will do so. Kindly advise.

Hi, i would like to ask if I had settled the credit card amount which is under special attention account, why the record still showing in CCRIS report which is under legal action but the status updated as settled. Does the CCRIS will remove the special attention account record in CCRIS? Or the record will be removing after 12 months in CCRIS system? The payment was settled on last year 2018, September, i have no any outstanding payment in CCRIS report, all showing empty in past 12 months, due to i have no any loans, and credit card anymore. In this situation, if CCRIS just showing the legal action was settled, will impact i apply the car loan?

Or will get rejected even the legal action was settled updated in CCRIS report? My CTOS report shows that I have 1,2,3 continuously for 3 months due to RM25 credit card service tax outstanding. My other credit cards and loan accounts all appeared 0 except for this one. The RM25 outstanding was due to service tax charged by the bank and I wasn’t aware because I have never activate the credit card before. Until recently I found out so I quickly called up bank request for card cancellation. The bank also agreed to waive off RM25 and this credit card has now been cancelled and show “inactive” in their system. The bank also have issued me a letter of card cancellation on 26 Mar.I am planning to apply for housing loan on 16 Apr.

Will it affect my loan application? Does it help if I submit the supporting documents and explain to the bank why the payment was missed.?Seeking for your kind advice. I have no credit history in CCRIS and CTOS – no credit card, loans, etc. Also, i do not have any legal issues / defaults in the credit report.Used to have credit cards, house and car loans many years ago but I have cancelled my card and disposed off my house and car.I am currently 40 years old and hold a permanent job. I intend to buy a house next year and need to start up building my credit history.

Tried to apply for credit cards but all rejected without giving a reason. The credit card applications are not reflected in my CCRIS which I do not know why.Based on the above, is there a way for me to get a credit card? I don’t really need the credit but I just wanted to build a good credit score to enable me to get a home loan soon. Please advise. I am writing this Testimony because am really grateful for what Mr Greg did for me and my family, when I thought there was no hope, he came and made my family feel alive again by lending us a loan at a very low interest rate of 3%. Well I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts for the past three months now,all I met were scammers and they took my money until I finally met a God sent Lender.

I never thought that there were still genuine loan lenders on the internet but to my greatest surprise i got my loan without wasting much time so if you are out there looking for a loan of any amount i would advise you to email: and be free from internet scams. Thanks Rhonda Raye from Texas, USA.

I’m currently meeting a problem here. As July 4 2018.

I’ve made a full settlement for my credit card which is Am bank 6.5k after discussion. As well CIMB IS 8.3K after the agreement from the officer. As IP to date I haven’t receive any letter of discharge as well only a statement that I’ve still the outstanding in my statement. While Am Bank has already sent out the copy to me of the Letter of Discharge. I try to call up in Cimb to check and they only have me a reply that I’ll be receiving a letter soon.

However when I check my Ccris report there’s nothing indicate there regards Cimb. Until today I’ve receive a statement of CIMB bank again. I don’t understand why and how.

Please kindly help. Hi, I received a new credit card November 2015 in order to build my credit. I made two payments December and January 2016. By February 2016 my job filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy. I was unemployed for almost a year.

I called the card company and tried to explain. But,they weren’t much help. The amount went into collections.

It marked as charged off. I wanted to ensure all collections on my credit is removed, I had been ripped off by this so called credit companies (CRS and Lexington law) It was the horrible moment of my life.

Few months later I saw many reviewed on Youtube how this professional with decades of experience had helped them repair their credit. I contact him and explained my credit issues to him he explained how he will get it done and asked for some of my details after we both agreed on a deal. Right now all collectoion on my report have been eliminated and my score has improved to excellent. The point for this write up is, I know many out there will had also been decieved or scammed by this credit companies but I want to tell you the only solution to your credit issues is to hire an individual expert like the one I hired (captainspyhacker2 @gmailcom), he put the interest of his client first, treat them like a family and go beyond his perimeter to get it done. TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM THIS GREAT COMPANY AS A SINGLE MUM. My names are Debora Williams.

I live in USA Las Vegas and I am a happy woman today as I speak, I told my self that any loan company or lender that could change my broke life of mine and that of my family, I will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. They gave happiness to me and my family, I was in need of a loan of $50,000 USD on January 12 2018 and I got my loan within 12 hours without stress. They are indeed God fearing people, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of a loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them today and please tell them that Mrs Debora Williams referred you to them. You can reach them via email;( )I wish you good luck thanks and may God almighty bless you.

I was having financial difficulty in 2009 which I have been served with judgement order for my Housing Loan account. I have regularised my account the same year then and keep it up to date until now 2017. I’m in the midst of applying personal loan and the record hinder me from applying for any loans despite i have been maintaining good record (except the record in 2009).I have met the bank and request them to delete or withdraw the record from my Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS). Their reply to me is even I have regularised my account, their bank policy is not to withdraw it from CCRIS until I settled my account in ‘FULL’.

I have 22 years more to settle!!! Is this how it’s suppose to be? Please advice me as I think it is not fair for a citizen to be penalised for their past record. James, sorry to hear that.Most most people failed to seek independent advice from independent financial advisers like myself, before making decisions like yours back in 2009 – which eventually made ’em ended up in sticky situation like yours.What’s done was done, you might feel it is not fair but bank is absolutely a profit-making organizations.They don’t give a what you think or face right now.And –For anyone reading this, be aware! This is kisah benar who may haunt you the next 22 years.

The only way for you not to make disastrous situation like what James did is to subscribe to my CCRIS educational series lessons by entering your email above. Hi Lieu,Can i know if i have late payment 1 day for my RHB easy personal loan, what will it cause? If it consider as late payment is’it need 12 mths to make my name clear? Or what should i do to make my name clean or must wait for 12 mths?“If you are late in payment (lets say 6 months outstanding in Feb 2015) but you have paid off the outstanding in March 2015, the records will still show February = 6 months, March = 0 months, April = 0 months. As CCRIS is a report for 12 month period, the 6 months in arrears records will only ‘disappear’ in February 2016 (12 months later). You just cannot erase or request to clear it before that, as it is a rolling report.”i didn’t get’it mean if i late for FEB after that even the next mth i pay by date but it will show as late and will keep on late for 12 mths?

Or can i double pay for the next mth to make my name clean? I can give insight some of the issue related to blacklist by CCRIS.Those not paying more than 3 mths & blacklisted, will be blacklist for 4-5 years with better condition payment of debt in or within the time. Its also depend how long they can release you. Talk to your bank for more infor related to your debts.

After the period of years from the date that you are blacklisted, you are free to get or apply a new loan & credit cards. This not applicable to those finish up their loan within the period of years or immediate clear off. If you immediate clear off your hse loan after you got blacklisted, pls get the bank letter or your S&P lawyers to clear out all the outstanding as well as its strata title for housing loan.

Thus you are automatically free from CCRIS blacklisted. If you clear the credit card possible take a year or 2 (depend on banks) from the record as they want to monitoring your record.

This duration like few years is to educate & let them clear off whatever they have on hand & prevent them the get another loan to make them getting worse like get another hole to cover up to existing holes. The bankruptcy are increasing and youngster as young as 25 years old is alarming, thus Bank Negara take all the necessary step to prevent this to getting worst.The banks getting tighten the rule in loan money to public to save guard the banks system. Its all happen after the incident of USA subprime crisis whereby more than 100 years establish bank can collapsed due to huge debts unable to be collected. Currently Bank Negara implement the BASEL III in Msia banking in how the banking can get back more revenue to the bank after the increase the loan intrest rate since last year July 2014 & replacement of BLR.Those have clear of CCRIS & not even have credit card, banks have problem in approved your loan due to no record on your history payment of your debt/loan that they can refer to, therefore they need your guarantor. They need to see the pattern/ frequency in you paying back the debt/loan, unless you have a assets or properties that you alr own to prove that your assets value are equal to the loan you applied.

Sometimes having credit card not a bad thing but displine enough to pay on time. Thought credit card can create a double sword to the user if you not using it wisely. If you able to pay in cash or in time, having credit card to let them see your good record shldn’t be a problem in loan application. Hi,Need your advice here.

My case is like this:Last year i applied for personal loan but was rejected because of the ccris report.This year i applied again, after i have cleared all my bad record and my ccris report now is beautiful.The thing is now the loan is still rejected by the bank. When i asked the guy (marketing) he said my record and everything is excellent and he also did not understand why it is rejected.Appreciate if you can provide me the list of possibilities of why my application rejected.Thanks!!!

Hi.i need ur advice. I applied for personal loan but was rejected because of my ccris report from the housing loan. I think i have a consistent 1 because i always pay late every month. The due date for the month is every 1st, but i only pay on the 28th. Every month will be the same. That is why i know i have a consistent 1 record in ccris.My question is,1) if i still continue with my current pattern of payment, is there a possible way that my personal loan will be approve? What can i do so that i can get the personal loan.2) if i follow the due date and pay as what banks want, when can i apply back the loan.

Howlong it takes for my ccris report to clear.Really need your help in this matter.Thanks!! Hi,As you mention, credit card outstanding will be updated in ccris on the other month every 15th. I got alot of 0% installment in my card and it didn’t show as outstanding balance except on statement date.

I make full payment every months.My questions are:1) I only use my card for installment, let say my monthly amount 1k. Can I know amount updated in ccris? 1k or 0?2) installment hold cc credit limit, does it effect ccris record? Installment amount indicate in the report?3) from ur article, amount updated in ccris taken anytime from 1 – 31 last month.

The amount updated base on outstanding bal on statement date or average of o/s on that month?4) some say, credit card commitment not base on outstanding bal but 5% from the credit limit eventhough the card holder didn’t utilize the card at all. Is it true?Thanks. Hi Sifu, I want to ask something. Hope I can get the answer here because since I been googles my question but unable to get my answer. Here is my problems.

Im 36 years old and I been BNM to get my CCRIS report. Everything was clean without any records or under “Special Attention”.

It’s because in my life, I never do any loan or using any Credit Card. So my CCRIS report showing so clean. And then I’m going to CTOS self-check and in CTOS report at “Section E” have showing and Digi Telecommunication.

In bankruptcy section, that was “Section D” was clean. Also in “Section C & B” was clean as well.So early this month, I was make a Hire Purchase at PBB and Ambank for secondhand.

Total loan was RM26,500. Few days after submitted my documents, I received a call from bank and they said I need a guarantor to joint account for my loan because I don’t have a “Payment History” in BNM.The question is in my CTOS “Section E” was marked by and Digi Communication, is it will affected on my car loan if I try to resubmit to others banks?Hope all sifu-sifu here can give me some explanation about it. Your informations is highly appreciated. Hi Lieu,I went to Bank Negara and print my CCRIS.

Currently I have only two commitment and the record is clean. But there’s still showing a status “Summon/Writ files” in the credit card column which i already fully settled past few years ago. I’ve been rejected by banker last year.

They didn’t tell me the reason. Until today, I got my CCRIS.Why the bank negara did not update the latest status? Can I request them to update and clear off the word of “Summon/Writ file”? It was so irritating when I get rejected the loan from others. Tot of applying a housing loan now, but my concern is from the past 12 months i always have a bad habit of not clearing my credit card debt, which amount from 1k to 3k (max credit limit of the card is 8k, always not utilise)however i still always made a monthly payment to the credit card account but just not clear up the full amount owning. But i have just cleared up the debt today.

(nothing else commitment i have )is this will effect my loan approval and will under ccris?your reply is much appreciated.thanks. I have cleared my akpk loan on april 2013. On top of that I have obtained all release from all banks. I have requested all banks to update my account status which to clear my from CCRIS report. They have told me that bank will update their CCRIS report everymonth.

So now, I need to apply personal loan. Below are few questions.1. Do I need to wait after 12 months evendo all banks has cleared my name from CCRIS report?2. Is it true, bank can release my name from CCRIS report after 1mth of my date settlement.

I seeking your advise and better solution to expedite my personal loan request. Damian, first of all, you should ask the bank whether it is rejected because of CCRIS or CTOS because they are two different things. Most probably, if you have a bad loan history, it will be CTOS if you have settled the loan more than 12 months. This is because CCRIS maintain records only for the past 12 months; anything other than that will not show in CCRIS.However, if it is blacklist you are referring to which cause you to have problem, then you need to check your CTOS report for banks or anyone who submit blacklist on you.

Blacklist only happens when legal action is taken against youin court, and following a judgement in court, let say bankruptcy declaration, then CTOS or such companies will pick up the status for blacklisting. CTOS and such companies then sells information to banks for the credit checking on legal action. And their records are based on the legal action.It will not ‘clear’ by its own, you need to clear it yourself.It is important to remember that CTOS is a one way street. Once your name goes into CTOS, it stays there and unlikely to be removed. When do settle, your record is still there but only your status will be updated to “CASE SETTLED”. When asking the Bank to “clear” the CTOS records, it doesn’t mean DELETE but it means UPDATE the status of your record. And yes, you can write a letter to the Bank to pass to CTOS to update your record after full settlement.Again to reiterate, CCRIS records the payment history, but CTOS records the legal actions that goes through the civil court system.

If it goes to court and a summons is issued, most likely CTOS will pick that up in their system. It is really difficult to clear this record, and sometimes it does take time until it is done. Contoh drama 6 orang.

If you want to clear your records, you can go directly to CTOS and present all the documents issued by the courts that has absolved you of the debt to your debtors i.e. No more outstanding legal summons. CTOS will process this and eventually it will go out of the system.You can also ask your debtors to submit to CTOS, but I think it is easier that you do yourself.

Hi Lieu,I was out of work for a few months in 2011 and because of that my car loan payment was behind a month and sometimes 2 months for a long time. I never missed a payment every month, only problem was that no matter how, i was still late a month or 2 as i could not afford to pay more to settle the outstanding. So finally my bank advised me to restructure as this would make my payment record fresh as if it’s a new loan. So my new restructuring loan was official in Dec 2013 and 1st payment took effect in January 2013 and i have been paying on time – never behind schedule. And according to my bank, my record with CCRIS would be clean too.

But just last week i applied for a very small personal loan and it got rejected. Im not sure why though. Should i check with BNM?Thanks. Hi Lieu,I would like to do refinance of my house, use that money to pay all credit card debts, car loan and personal loans. Housing loan still has 50K outstanding. Bank evaluate the house with 300K.

But bank rejected my application. Is it due to high debt ratio that they reject?

If I try to settle those loans and apply again. Will they approve? Or I need to wait for 1 year after settling those loans. So far my record of paying debts is OK, no delay. Any suggestion you can advise? I really have problem to pay those debts anymore.

Appreciate your advice. Hi Steven, I think your record is clear, but banks is not sure what the “restructure credit card” statement means.

So, imagine if you are banks, – you don’t want to risk your money if you see something you are not sure about.If I were you, I’d print/get additional written details from BNM and attach it together with the CCRIS report. The details should clearly state you’ve settled your card debts.If all fails, then I think you got to wait after Feb 2013 perhaps when your record does not show any “restructure credit card” records.But just to be fair, am not trying to offend you or anything, banks know this things well – as in, anyone who restructure credit card debt before would rate lower than a person who never did.Hope this helpsLieu.

'Why do we want to burden them, that is my view,' said the Port Dickson MP.Fuck you lah Anwar. If the loan defaulters don't have a job, why the hell they should worry about being banned from travelling overseas.One year since Pakatan took over Putrajaya and there's no sign that PTPTN is doing any better in collecting payment. In fact it's getting worse.And those stupid shits at The Star didn't even bother to get the title of their story right.

Stupid irresponsible assholes.Demand la for free education some more.Now that PTPTN is struggling to survive, I don't care if they make a U-turn on this nonsense.More than half of the PTPTN borrowers are not paying back their loan, okay.That's billions of ringgit meant for younger students gone.Go and get them la.The money is for the younger generation of students. Get that into their heads.If Pakatan leaders like Anwar still want to play politics on this, then I hope the people know that's all that they care about.Here'sI say, just do the whole bloody thing.As long as the younger generation is not deprived of the money for education, I don't care what PTPTN wants to do to the loan defaulters.Seriously, I'm tired of their whining.You borrow, you pay, okay.

One way or another. It's as simple as that.And Pakatan leaders, stop being such irresponsible dick heads like Anwar.You all made so many U-turns in the past, one more would not hurt. AnonymousAnnie,During the period of Ramadhan, you have take care of nasty swearing words. I mean, do you really need to use those nasty words.?This PTPTN issue revolve on the issue of economy, the behavior of the defaulters and so forth.As you know, it is not a quick fix.As long as the economy is down, then you have to expect defaulters.We then should also ask, why is our economy is not so good.?If our economy is good or ok, then we can blame the bad behavior of defaulters.Travelling ban is not the answer because, how are Malaysian can work in Singapore if there is a travelling ban? There are hundred thousand Malaysian works in Singapore daily as there cannot find a good paying jobs in Malaysia.Some of Malaysian even travel to Australia to find work.It is not an easy answer.If you have any bright ideas, then maybe you should put forward.We should also ask how come there are plenty of Jobs in Singapore and Australia.Maybe because there do not have corruption, Kleptocracy, that is why their economy is in better shape.

I am just saying.I heard they are due to come up with some solution for this PTPTN thing by June or July, this year.So, lets wait for that outcome before we jump the gun. CikminahI am with U Annie. Loan must be paid, starting with study loan.

If u starts your life by defaulting your study loan, u will ends up being a failure. Orang tua-tua kata, alah bisa jadi biasa. I have seen older generation who refused to pay study loan from MARA, becomes a failure. Pada hal dia ada macam-macam degree tapi ada masalah, susah nak bayar hutang. The money that u loan is from the people. MARA loans taken from the taxes, PTPTN loan from EPF.

Who is going to pay the rm56 billion EPF money taken for PTPTN loan.????Definately from tax payers. Rm56 billion is a lot of money that can be used to develop the country. U can even built ECRL!! But all are burnt for nothing. These young people ought to be taught to pay their loans. It starts with study loan, than car loan, personal loan, Tekon loan, later on housing loan. Tak cerita lagi, loans from friends and adik beradik dan saudara mara.

Than loans from Ah Long, the lonely sharks becase u are black out from bank loans. Some ends up a bankrapsi.

U becomes old without money and bergelumang dgn hutang. U are a dead failour.

Bila Duit Ptptn 2019 Masuk Hd

A burden to your family and children. Believe me, it all starts from study loan. Alah bisa tegal biasa. CikminahDon't make HUTANG PTPTN as political milage. This is moral issue - perangai liat nak bayar hutang. Bayar hutang study loan is part of disiplin training in life.

Ini duit orang ramai. U will suffer whole life if u refuse to pay. I have seen it among my generation. Masuk U, ambil MARA loan, enjoy duit beli motor, beli itu beli ini macam orang kaya. Bila kerja tak mahu bayar loan. Penjamin kena bayar. Masih mahu enjoy berbelanja.

Kali ini,kad kredit pulak. Guna sampai 4-5 kad!!! Setiap tahun tukar kereta. Pergi melancung oversea.


Buat personal loan from banks tapi penjamin juga yg kena bayar. Ada penjamin sampai kena declare bankrupsi. Nak elak bayar, tukar kerja. Kerja sana berhenti, kerja sini berhenti. Rolling stone, gathers no moss.Ada dua tiga degree pun tak guna. Orang mcm ni, ingat hidup boleh senang ke bila tua.????Better teach these young people to put paying their study loan as priority in life. Don't make this as political issue.

Kita merosakkan our young generation just to gain political milage. Just imagine, in 30-40 years what will happen to them. If they join politic, they ends up jadi Najib, Isa Samad, Zahid Komidi, KuNan to name a few.

Langsung takda rasa bersalah, makan duit haram. AnonymousAnon 23.12,Stock market volatile all the time, there are high and low.The total KLSE stock capital is about RM5 trillion. The stake holders are variable, some foreign, some locals.RM250 billion losses are lost by investors, foreign and localIf there are RM40 billion losses by 1MDB, it is the losses by the rakyat Marhain of Malaysia.Is there any illegal thing that the PH government do?Why is all this bullshits to cover Kleptocracy?The billion losses in 1MDB will also effect the investor confidence in Malaysia and KLSE.Who is responsible by 1MDB, PH or BN? AnonymousNot that many voted for PH because to get their borrowings annuled.For those who did serve them right.As for politicians who politicise any given issue of the day.thats the political animal in them.whichever party they belong to.

Agree or not?Come GE15 the rakyat will just have to choose which govt they want from only 2 choices.PH or BN-PAS.The big pictures that matters will be the governance. Puritanical on so forth la. Even that is only for the discerning public. But if the majority of the rakyat or the rakyat who are the majority still wants to retain to their accustomed ways and thinking then tidak apa la.We go back to the ways of the last 60 years.Life will still go on what.tidak apa la. 'You borrow, you pay, okay.

One way or another. It's as simple as that.If you all are so scared of losing the votes of the loan defaulters, then ban them from voting too until they start paying what they owe PTPTN.'

I'm with you Annie, all the way.In the interest of the younger students, HUTANG MESTI diBAYAR. By hook or by crook, its the duty of the gomen to chase after loan defaulters.This misused-of-power cum liwat ex-convict, pardoned by The YDPA, cannot be trusted to save-guard our younger generation's future.No doubt, he's a chameleon who only opens his mouth to be popular. AnonymousIt is not as simple as that.The numbers shows 20 years ago, the degree holder salary is RM2000 and diploma RM1,500.Now the cost of living is many times over compared to 20 years ago.If the income per capita do not increase, then, next 20 years, the degree holder and diploma holder salary will remain at RM2,000 and RM1,500 in year 2040.This is no longer sustainable.

That is also one of the reason why BN lost.Younger folks are at their neck already on the cost of living.The model used by the UK and Singapore is that the government universities are subsidize by the Government. Therefore the cost of tuition fee is reduced.The govt need to come up with a new model that is practical.I believe the total amount defaulted now is about RM20 billion.The Govt need to recover this amount or substantial portion of this amount.I do not think it is easy to say, you borrow you pay.

Because the reality is,No job no pay and not enough money to pay.For those who got big salaries and do not pay, of course catch them. Hutang mesti bayar.

Tak bayar mati mayat tergantung. Jangan main main dengan hutang.

But PH use this to bait those yang hutang and giving hope to their parents.guarantors with sweet talking BULLSHIT promises.sudah dapat kuasa you do what u wish.nothing promising moving forward policy. All action talk only.sebab tu Allah kata jangan pandang rendah pendapat orang lain macam kita ni DEWA.tak buat PH recycle all previous govt initiatives to solve the issue.MUKA TAK MALU. If you don't mind me asking.

What do you mean by 'some footing'?Wait until the loan-defaulters' pay-check or their income of 'jual2 kuih', hits RM4k?Anyway. In the first place, good footing begins with what one chose to study. Obviously, tough courses such as Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Medicine/Pharmacist etc., offers better job opportunities.It also depends on our parents.

As a kid, if they decided to sent us to Sekolah Agama/Tahfiz/pondok, most probably our parents wanted us to become Ustad or Ustazah. In the mean time, they might also think, its good for the religion and getting 'pahala', in return. Sebagai balasan?There are also Malay parents who chose to sent their child to Chinese School, hoping their child would have an advantage of acquiring a third language, beside Bahasa Melayu & English, when they reach working age.From what I read, Tamil School students are getting quite good at Mathematics.

Maybe, it can also be an advantage for the Malays to sent their child to SRJKT. When they grew-up, Ananda Krishnan's Maxis would welcome more Indian-speaking Malays into their fold.

After-all, we Malays too, would treat Malay-speaking foreigners. Except Zakir Naik. Anuar is right.' To people like me, who's already a young-adult during the early-reformasi days. He's crooked. No doubt about it.

AnonymousSeeking knowledge and learning for life IslamIn the name of Allah, the Gracious, the MercifulIslam teaches us to be life-long leaners and to seek knowledge for as long as we reside on earthNot only is seeking knowledge a religious and moral obligationIt is a continuous obligationDebt in IslamAccording to Tirmidhi ( 1078 )' the soul of the believer is suspended because of his debt until it is paid off 'So guys ptptn loan are rakyat's moneyThere is a Chinese saying' after crossing the bridge you pulled the planks 'Fadzireen. Fatincikminah, rd,i was just to chill up. Yaah,its no good. Our youth unemployment rate keeps on rising, i think we r d highest among asean countries. N herewat i can see around me, my friends r taking more effort for extra income in dis holy month.

So it doesnt quite fit to d tone tat we r so pampered n no price in our dream. Half of our lives gone for study, n d other half is to pay back for wat we’d gone throuh.yessure, there r some who doing well but still d not so lucky who need more attention.

We need hands,we need some grips from bigger economy, bigger participation n bigger workforce n bigger responsibility from d gov we to those who make d chase just be considerate. Am very sure those within 4/5 yrs leaving study defaulted r pretty common. It happens everywhere even in america. Anon 00:40PH takde bulan dan bintang tapi janji bulan dan bintang. Apakan lagi DAP ade roket nak bawa semua pi sana.Last2 bagailan pungguk rindukan bulan jadinya.

Aduuuh.Latest dok kelentong FDI highest in recorded history. Awatla sampai lagu ni kelentong memanjang?Harga minyak janji RM1 lima kupang pun tak mampu turunkan, inikan minyak roket. Tembak naik atas pokok nyiok pun mampoih tak sampai, terbakaq hanguih pasai semua roket DAP buatan kertas dan kayu aje. Tanglong pun bole terbang lagi tinggi.

Tarikh Duit Ptptn Masuk 2019

KekekekeProfessor Nasi Lemak.