Stm32 Verificar Interrupcao Pendente

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This tutorial shows how to create a simple project for the STM32-Nucleo-F411RE board with Visual Studio.You will need the following hardware and software to follow this tutorial:. Microsoft Visual Studio. or later. boardWe will create a simple ‘blinking LED’ project, build it, step through it in debugger and use the Code Map to visualize the structure of the HAL library.

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Start Visual Studio. Select File-New-Project and select the Embedded Project Wizard from the VisualGDB wizards. Proceed with the default “binary” settings on the first page:. On then next page select the ARM toolchain. If it is not present, VisualGDB will download it automatically:. Select the STM32F411RE device from the device list.

If it is not available, click “download support for more devices”:. On the next page proceed with the default LEDBlink sample and specify the LED port according to the:. On the next page select OpenOCD as the debug method, connect your board, press “detect” and “test selected OpenOCD settings”. If VisualGDB suggests installing the WinUSB driver, proceed with it:.

Stm32 Verificar Interrupcao Pendente Se

Stm32 verificar interrupcao pendente o

STM32 General-Purpose I/O Example. The STM32 GPIO example program shows how to configure and use the GPIO ports of STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx microcontroller. Pins PB8.PB15 (LEDs) are configured as output and pins PA0 (S2) and PC13 (S3) are configured as input. By pressing buttons S2 or S3 the lit LED moves to the left or to the right. STM32 Nucleo-32 boards Introduction The STM32 Nucleo-32 board (NUCLEO-F031K6, NUCLEO-F042K6, NUCLEO-F303K8, NUCLEO-L031K6) provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts and build prototypes with STM32 microcontrollers, choosing from the various combinations of performance, power consumption and features. STMicroelectronics STM32: Cortex™-M3 Lab. ARM ® Keil ™ MDK Toolkit. Featuring Serial Wire Viewer and ETM Trace. For Keil MCBSTM32C ™ Eval Board Spring 2011. Version 1.0 by Robert Boys, Introduction: The purpose of this lab is to in troduce you to the STMicroelectronics Cortex™-M3 processor using the ARM ® Keil™ MDK.

Press Finish to create your project. You can build it by pressing Ctrl-Shift-B:. Set a breakpoint on the HALGPIOWritePin call and press F5 to begin debugging:.

Stm32 Verificar Interrupcao Pendente Status

Verify that the green LED on the board is off:. Press F10 to step over HALGPIOWritePin and verify that the LED turns on:. You can right-click on a function or variable in the code and select “Show on Code Map” to explore its role in your source code (requires VisualGDB 5.0+):. E.g. You can see how HALDelay depends on the uwTick variable that is also modified by HALIncTick called by SysTickHandler:.