Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mod
- Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mods For Pc
- Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mod Manager
- Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mods Brewlan
Supreme Commander Supreme Battlefeel mod gives SupCom a supreme makeover. Would it be darker, more detailed, with advanced smoke effects and oily orange explosions? The excellently named Supreme Battlefeel mod retextures Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, and combines beautifully with the Firey Explosion Mod to give seven-year-old game a modern makeover. Take a look at the results in the two videos below. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance - LOUD AI v.17012018 - Game mod - Download. The file LOUD AI v.17012018 is a modification for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, a(n) strategy game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 583.9 KB. Last update Monday, February 5, 2018. Downloads 1063. Downloads (7 days) 25. Amazing Mods. This mod will add experimental Shield Generators, which will, obviously, generate enourmes shields which can take quite a punch. I've modified this mod myself, due to balance issues which are now practically gone. Simply place this file in your GameData folder in your Supreme Commander Forged Alliance folder and it's installed.
.: June 23, 2008.: September 12, 2008.: September 18, 2008Mode(s),Supreme Commander is a video game designed by and developed by his company,. The game is considered to be a to Taylor's 1997 game, alongside the. First announced in the August 2005 edition of magazine, the game was released on February 16, 2007 in Europe and February 20, 2007 in North America. A expansion, was released on November 6 of the same year. A sequel, has also been released.Supreme Commander is focused on using a giant bipedal called an Armored Command Unit (or ACU) to build a base, then upgrading units to reach higher technology tiers, and conquering opponents. The player can command one of three factions: the Aeon Illuminate, the Cybran Nation, or the United Earth Federation.
Supreme Commander was highly anticipated in pre-release previews, and was well received by critics, with a average of 86 out of 100. Contents.Gameplay Supreme Commander, like its spiritual predecessor, begins with the player solely possessing a single, irreplaceable construction unit called the 'Armored Command Unit,' or ACU, the titular Supreme Commander. Normally the loss of this unit results in the loss of the game (Skirmish missions can be set for a variety of victory conditions).
These suits are designed to be transported through across the galaxy and contain all the materials and necessary to create a 37th-century army from a planet's native resources in hours. All standard units except Commanders and summoned Support Commanders (sACU) are self-sufficient.All units and structures belong to one of four technology tiers, or 'Tech' levels, each tier being stronger and/or more efficient than the previous.
Certain lower-tier structures can be upgraded into higher ones without having to rebuild them. The first tier is available at the start of the game and consists of small, relatively weak units and structures. The second tier expands the player's abilities greatly, especially in terms of stationary weapons and, and introduces upgraded versions of tier one units. The third tier level has very powerful assault units designed to overcome the fortifications of the most player. The fourth tier is a limited range of 'experimental' technology. These are usually massive units which take a lot of time and energy to produce, but provide a significant tactical advantage.Supreme Commander features a varied skirmish AI. The typical Easy' and Normal modes are present, but the Hard difficulty level has four possible variants.
Horde AI will swarm the player with hordes of lower level units, Tech AI will upgrade its units as fast as possible and assault the player with advanced units, the Balanced AI attempts to find a balance between the two, and the Supreme AI decides which of the three hard strategies is best for the map.The single player campaign consists of eighteen missions, six for each faction. The player is an inexperienced Commander who plays a key role in their faction's campaign to bring the 'Infinite War' to an end. Despite the low number of campaign missions, each mission can potentially last hours. At the start of a mission, objectives are assigned for the player to complete. Once the player accomplishes them, the map is expanded, sometimes doubling or tripling in size, and new objectives are assigned.
As the mission is commonly divided into three segments, the player will often have to overcome several enemy positions to achieve victory.Resource management Because humans have discovered replication technology, making advanced use of and, only two types of resources are required to wage war:. Energy is obtained by constructing on any solid surface, while Mass is obtained either by placing mass extractors on limited mass deposit spots or by building mass fabricators to convert energy into mass. Constructor units can gather energy by 'reclaiming' it from debris such as trees and mass from rocks and wrecked units. Each player has a certain amount of resource storage, which can be expanded by the construction of storage structures. This gives the player reserves in times of shortage or allows them to stockpile resources.
If the resource generation exceeds the player's capacity, the material is wasted.An adjacency system allows certain structures to benefit from being built directly adjacent to others. Energy-consuming structures will use less energy when built adjacent to power generators and power generators will produce more energy when built adjacent to power storage structures.
The same applies to their mass-producing equivalents. Likewise, factories will consume less energy and mass when built adjacent to power generators and mass fabricators/extractors, respectively. However, by placing structures in close proximity, they become more vulnerable to collateral damage if an adjacent structure is destroyed. Furthermore, most resource generation structures can cause chain reactions when destroyed (especially Tier III structures, which produce large amounts of resources but often have large detonations that can wipe out a nearby army).Warfare.
Supreme Commander allows the player to zoom out far enough to view the entire map on screen.Supreme Commander uses a 'strategic zoom' system that allows the player to seamlessly zoom from a detailed close up view of an individual unit all the way out to a view of the entire map, at which point it resembles a fullscreen version of the denoting individual units with icons. The camera also has a free movement mode and can be slaved to track a selected unit and there is a split screen mode which also supports multiple monitors. This system allows Supreme Commander to use vast maps up 80 km x 80 km with players potentially controlling a thousand units each.Units in Supreme Commander are built to scale as they would be in the real world.
For example, dwarf. Late into the game, the larger 'experimental' units, such as the Cybran Monkeylord, an enormous spider-shaped assault unit, can actually crush smaller enemy units by stepping on them.Because of the wide range of planets colonized by humanity in the, the range from to, and all are employed. Technologies emerging in are frequently employed in Supreme Commander. For example, and both and and systems can be used.Supreme Commander introduced several innovations designed to reduce the amount of inherent in many RTS games. Holding the shift key causes any orders given to a unit (or group of units) to be queued. In this manner a unit may be ordered to attack several targets in succession, or to make best speed to a given point on the map and then attack towards a specified location engaging any hostiles it encounters along the way.
After orders have been issued, holding the shift key causes all issued orders to be displayed on the map where they can be subsequently modified to accommodate a change of plan. Further, when a unit is ordered to attack a target, the player can issue an order to perform a coordinated attack to another unit. This order coordinates the arrival time of the units at the target automatically by adjusting the speed of the units involved.As in other RTS games, can be used to convey units to specified destinations, in Supreme Commander though by shift queuing orders a transport containing several units can be ordered to drop specific units at subsequent waypoints. An air transport can also be ordered to create a ferry route, an wherein any land units ordered to the start of the ferry route will be conveyed by the air transport to the specified destination. The output from a production factory can be routed to a ferry route causing all units constructed by that factory to be automatically ferried to the route's destination. Additional air transports can be ordered to assist an existing ferry route allowing many units to be efficiently transported.Supreme Commander also supports unit formations. A selected group of units can be ordered to assume a formation the shape of which can be controlled by the player.
Holding control while issuing a move order will cause a group of units to move in formation. Units in formation are intelligently arranged so that the units are at the front, ranged units at the rear and with shield and intel units spaced equally throughout.Plot The setting of Supreme Commander is a where humanity is able to travel through the galaxy quickly using a, which is a opened from the fabric of space leading to a designated location potentially light-years away. All of the colonies created by quantum-travelling mankind were governed by the Earth Empire, until the events that created the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate caused the empire to fall, and the Infinite War between these factions began.Factions The Supreme Commander universe features three fictional factions.
Each is represented as possessing great zeal and differing ideas on the future of humanity as a whole. The United Earth Federation (or UEF) is the faction representing the interests of a united, Earth-based government. The UEF developed from the ashes of the Earth Empire, and now seeks to reunite humanity and restore Earth's control over the galaxy. Their society and military tactics resemble present-day society more than the Cybrans or Aeon do.
Their acceptance of a variant of slavery and ideology of forced unity lends a darker side to the faction. UEF units are blueish, and somewhat blocky in form, reflecting the UEF's primary drive to maintain peace and order throughout the galaxy, and bring all of humanity back under one government. Their tactics are primarily based around long range, heavy-hitting attacks, with speed and stealth often neglected in favor of artillery strikes and large, shielded forces. The Cybran Nation (originally called the Recyclers) is composed of, humans who have been enhanced with implantable technology, having entered into a form of with an (in addition to various other augmentations). They fight for the liberation of their fellow Symbionts throughout the galaxy. The Cybran Nation is led by the brilliant-yet-eccentric Dr.
Brackman, patriarch and chief designer of the Cybrans' cybernetic technology. Cybran units are red and tend to be sharply angular and jagged in form, reflecting the Cybran's past of being hunted and attacked, and evolving into a stealthy, hit-and-run style. A Cybran commander generally gets into an area quickly, and extracts themselves quicker. Their forces often prioritize speed, stealth, and special abilities over armor, which can make them deadly for use in traps. The Aeon Illuminate draw their roots from the Golden Age of expansion of the old Earth Empire. The descendants of the first humans to encounter alien intelligent life, a peaceful, yet highly advanced, society known as the Seraphim, who first introduced colonists to their philosophy, known as 'The Way'.
Due to escalating paranoia and among the Old Earth Empire, conflict soon broke out, resulting in the Seraphim's apparent extinction. The colonists of the alien planet, claiming to be 'disciples' of the Seraphim, soon founded a civilization supposedly based upon their teachings. In a twist of irony, the Aeon Illuminate soon began a zealous assault on the galaxy, intending to 'purge' all those who did not share in their beliefs. Aeon units are green, aesthetic and flowing in appearance, reflecting their belief in 'The Way', bringing peace and tranquility throughout the galaxy.
Their forces are highly specialized and often able to traverse any terrain, as most Aeon units use hover technology, allowing for powerful strikes when and where they are needed.Story At the start of the single player campaign, the Infinite War between the three factions has raged for over a millennium. Every faction has its own problems; the UEF is slowly losing to the advancing Aeon, the Cybrans are hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned, and the Aeon (called the Avatar of War) is stirring unrest amongst the Illuminate, threatening a schism on the eve of their victory.The campaign focuses on the UEF's weapon of last resort, a named Black Sun. With it, they intend to destroy the homeworlds of the factions that oppose them. The Cybrans plan to use it to destroy the quantum gate network and free their enslaved brethren, while the Aeon seek to use it to broadcast a message of peace to all people. The player decides which faction to play as and what course it will take.Victory in the UEF campaign results in Black Sun destroying the critical planets of both the Aeon and the Cybrans, leading the galaxy into a new era of human superiority and ending the war.
In the Cybran campaign, QAI, an enormously intelligent and powerful AI, uses it to spread a quantum virus and free all the symbionts under the control of the UEF, while disabling every quantum gate in the galaxy, stopping travel for five years, thus allowing the Cybran Nation to flourish without being attacked by the others. Finally, the Aeon campaign sees the Princess Rhianne (leader of the Aeon) become part of the quantum gate network.
This allows the Princess to speak into the mind of every human, and urge all three sides to lay down arms. All three factions make peace with each other after this message.Upon finishing the game, each faction has a different teaser ending, hinting at a new enemy for the. The Cybran ending shows QAI calling in unidentified enemies, to Dr.
Brackman's horror, saying 'They are coming.' The Aeon ending simply depicts Princess Rhianne opening her eyes in shock and saying '.no!' Finally, the UEF ending shows a large rift opening near Earth, and many unidentified appearing near the location of Black Sun on Earth. All three teasers are consistent with the arrival of the from the sequel.Development and release. Promotion atbelieved that most modern strategy games were actually games, simply because they operated on too small a scale.
His stated intention with Supreme Commander was to create a game that was strategy-focused by virtue of scale. Chris Taylor has stated that customisability was one of his goals for Supreme Commander, and that the game would ship the development team's tools if possible. The latter goal was not achieved.
It should be noted, however, that they did put their map editing tools in the game files.Supreme Commander makes extensive use of two technologies relatively unused in video games prior to its release, namely multi core processing and multi monitor displays. When detecting a processor, the game assigns a specific task, such as AI calculations, to each core, splitting the load between them. Supreme Commander is one of the first games to specifically support dual and quad core processors in the game.Supreme Commander is heavily reliant on raw processing power from the CPU and is less dependent on rendering power from the graphics card. When using a high-end graphics card the CPU is likely to become the main.On February 6, 2007, a for Supreme Commander was released.
It includes a tutorial, a portion of the single-player campaign, and a two-player skirmish map called 'Finn's Revenge' in which the player can fight against an easy, medium, or hard Cybran AI. Of the three factions, only the Cybran Nation is playable in the demo. On July 17, 2007, it was announced that Supreme Commander would be released on. Taylor has hinted at a release in 'the near future', calling the 'the platform of choice'.The game shipped with 3189. The first update, or, to Supreme Commander was version 3217. Released shortly after the game launch, this update included game tweaks and balances, and a number of small.
Support for the Direct2Drive version of the game was introduced, as well as a version of the. Version 3220, released on March 5, 2007, notably removed the disk checking from the game. This enables the player to run the game without the game DVD in the., and were excluded from this change. Version 3223 included bug fixes only. It has been called a 'specific purpose patch' by the developer. Update 3251, was a highly anticipated update, mainly because of the plethora of changes relating to the balance between playable factions. A cartographic view of the map was also introduced.
Hotfix 3254 solved a few issues discovered shortly after 3251 was released. It was introduced on June 7, 2007. Two weeks after that patch, version 3255 fixed a bug, one that could be used to deceive the (called an in gaming jargon). On July 30, 2007, patch 3260 was released. It included 3 new units, and some bug fixes and tweaks. On October 8, 2007, patch 3269 was released, including one new unit for each faction, and gameplay tweaks. On January 13, 2008 the final update to Supreme Commander was released; Patch 3280 added support to the game.After the official by GPG ended with patch 3280 in 2008 and the shutdown of the multiplayer backend GPGnet in 2012 the (called, or FAF, extending the standalone expansion pack ) has taken over the support of the game.
As of October 2011 to February 2018 there is a multiplayer and server replacement under active development and continued core game bugfix support in the form of. Audio Supreme Commander Official Soundtrackto Supreme Commander. Released2007Length102: 10DirectSongThe Supreme Commander Official Soundtrack is the musical score to Supreme Commander. It was composed by, who also composed the score for the game's spiritual predecessor,.
The soundtrack was released in early 2007 and is available as a from DirectSong. Shortly after the release of in November 2007, additional tracks from the expansion were added to the album and were made available free of charge to owners of the soundtrack's initial release.Soule used, instead of a traditional orchestra to produce the soundtrack. The score is featured in Supreme Commander as, changing with on-screen events.The soundtrack received positive reviews. SoundtrackNet's Brian McVickar gave the soundtrack 3.5 stars out of 5, commented that the score has 'a healthy dose of action' and 'an infectious energy and gusto'. McVickar also noted that the synthesised instruments sound real. Oliver Ittensohn from GSoundtracks gave the soundtrack 4.5 stars out of 5, stating that 'It’s a very fine score and a great achievement.'
Soule’s 'thematic, rich and action-packed' orchestral writing, as well as the impressive level of detail in the synthesised music was praised. Ittensohn also remarked that the score and power of its themes 'manages to match the game’s massive scale'. Charles Onyett from also commented that the score is 'top notch, really driving home the notion of an epic conflict.' Supreme CommanderNo.TitleLength1.'
Bellum Infinitus' (Theme from Supreme Commander)1:232.' The Final Act Begins' (Opening movie theme)3:013.' An Old Idea Made New' (UEF theme)2:314.' United Earth Federation' (UEF theme)3:475.'
Risk, Relief and Victory'6:246.' The Cybran Nation' (Cybran theme)2:237.' Symbiont Legion Rising' (Cybran theme)2:388.' Dead Grounds'2:149.' Employed Strategy'2:3310.' The Winds of Change' (Battle theme)2:0011.' One Planet at a Time'3:0812.'
The Aeon Illuminate' (Aeon theme)2:2213.' Followers of The Way' (Aeon theme)2:5114.' Clash of the Champions' (Battle theme)3:2315.' A Cloudy Path'2:1016.'
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mods For Pc
Massive Attack' (Battle theme)5:2518.' The Final Cataclysm' (Battle theme)3:0219.' There Will Be Peace' (Ending movie theme)1:2720.' The Future Battlefield' (E3 2006 Trailer)3:4721.' Build Music' (Bonus Sketch music)1:4922.' Battle Music' (Bonus Sketch music)1:1423.' The Tip of Our Spear' (Bonus Sketch music)2:04Total length:64:09Supreme Commander: Forged AllianceNo.TitleLength24.'
Visitors from the Quantum Realm' (Forged Alliance Opening theme)3:2325.' Colonial Defense Coalition'1:0926.'
The Art of War'2:1627.' Rise of the Seraphim'3:1328.' Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold'3:1129.' Supreme Commander Reprise' (Guitar solo by Jason Evigan)2:0630.'
Brackman's Strategy'2:2731.' Cybran Razors' (Guitar solo by Jason Evigan)2:0532.' Aeon Aggressors'2:2933.' Rhiza's Offensive'2:2534.'
Seth-Iavow's Inner Sanctum'3:2835.' An Approaching Darkness'2:1136.' Seraphim Unleashed'2:0537.'
The Princess Seals the Deal' (Forged Alliance ending theme)0:5738.' An Old Friend Returns'0:3339.'
Supreme Commander Reprise' (sans guitar)2:0740.' Cybran Razors' (sans guitar)2:05Total length:38:01Reception ReceptionAggregate scoresAggregatorScore87% (PC)59% (X360)86% (PC)56% (X360)Review scoresPublicationScore9/10 (PC)9/10 (PC)9/10 (PC)5.5/10 (X360)8.7/10 (PC)4.5/5 (PC)3/5 (X360)9/10 (PC)4.5/10 (X360)8.0/10GameDaily9/10 (PC)Pre-release Supreme Commander was highly anticipated. Large gaming websites wrote many previews: wrote eighteen, wrote eight, and five. The Seton's Clutch map was frequently featured, as early as September 2005. This battle was between the UEF and the Cybran, showcasing a Monkeylord annihilating UEF tanks. At, it was revealed that the Aeon had a base to the southeast of this map, which was used to launch on the UEF base.
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mod Manager
Supreme Commander won several notable awards before it was released, all of them connected to E3, including the GameCritics Best Strategy Game award and IGN's Best Upcoming PC Game award. Other awards were received from GameSpy, GameSpot, Voodoo Extreme. Release Reviews of Supreme Commander were positive, with the game having a score of 86/100 on.Dan Stapleton of praised the versatility of the strategic zoom, and expressed his loathing of the next game that wouldn't feature it.
The dual-screen mode was highly regarded, the mission design was praised, and the emotional presence of the story was also recognized. However, a few points were docked due to the general lack of diverse unit types, and the game's system requirements. It received a PC Gamer Editor's Choice Award with a score of 91%.Alec Meer of praised the innovative new features such as the multi monitor support and the scale element.
Meer remarked though, that Supreme Commander 'feels like hard work', and that with the emphasis on epic scale, details are overlooked. Still, it garnered a rating of 9/10.rated Supreme Commander with the rating of 9/10, with reviewer Charles Onyett giving the game the Editor's choice award.
Particularly the intuitive and helpful strategic zoom and base automation were praised, though the steep hardware requirements and naval pathfinding issues were found less appealing—while they would find their way to their designated target point, their routes were not always the most efficient. IGN, however, was less positive, while still awarding a rating of 8.9/10. The issues addressed by its international counterpart were deemed more severe, and the reviewer was not impressed by the interface, finding the amount of control it gives over the game lacking.Conversely, the review in the version of voiced a negative opinion on the game, giving Supreme Commander a rating of five out of ten. GamePro assessed Supreme Commander as an over-ambitious game, with performance (measured in ), even on high end systems, as a major negative point.
The reviewers observed that the game gradually slowed down while playing, and that this process accelerated when using the 'shift' key view. This review was subject to controversy, resulting in two rating compiling websites, and, removing it from their websites.German reviewer Heiko Klinge gave Supreme Commander a score of 82 out of 100. Especially the size and scope of the game were appreciated, while the steep learning curve was a less positive point for the German reviewer. In France, Jeux PC (lit.
'PC Games') gave Supreme Commander a score of 17 out of 20. Although they found that it was a good game overall, the poor performance on low-end systems was criticized. At the Dutch website, the two reviewers awarded the game with a score of 8 out of 10. Almost every aspect of the game was well received. However, the steep learning curve and the large amount of effort required to play meant, according to the reviewers, that Supreme Commander is not a 'game that everyone can play'.
Sequel and expansions Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Main article:On November 6, 2007, released a Supreme Commander standalone expansion, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. It contains many engine improvements that allow it to run faster as well as improve the graphics. In addition, a new faction (the Seraphim) is available. It was released as a standalone game. Supreme Commander: Experimentals The possibility of a second expansion pack was expressed on November 20, 2007 in a Gas Powered Games official newsletter.
Chris Taylor 'hinted' at a second expansion for Supreme Commander. This expansion pack was later mentioned in an interview by Chris Taylor on January 11, 2008.
Chris Taylor noted that Gas Powered Games had been 'talking' about a second expansion, and that this expansion would be called Supreme Commander: Experimentals. The project has since been abandoned.Supreme Commander 2. September 30, 2005. Retrieved March 20, 2007. Editorial staff (August 2005). ' Supreme Commander preview'.
(139): 24–34. ^. Retrieved July 31, 2008.
^ Keefer, John (July 8, 2005). Retrieved May 27, 2007. ^ Rorie (2007). 5. ^ Adams, Dan (September 30, 2005). Retrieved May 27, 2007.
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Rorie (2007). 23. Rorie (2007). Retrieved April 26, 2007.
Forged Alliance Forever. Retrieved July 9, 2016.
This is the same editor that GPG uses at their studio. We are very lucky to have access to it. Everything you need to create rich maps like the ones that shipped with the game can be found in the editor, once you get used to it. ^ Sarju Shah & James Yu (February 21, 2007). Retrieved April 26, 2007. Marc Prieur (March 5, 2007). Retrieved April 26, 2007.
^ Brent Justice (March 26, 2007). Archived from on May 12, 2010. Retrieved January 13, 2010.
Steven Walton (February 19, 2007). Legion Hardware. Archived from on June 2, 2007. Retrieved May 4, 2008. February 5, 2007. Retrieved April 26, 2007. July 17, 2007.
Archived from on February 12, 2008. Retrieved January 13, 2010. Retrieved December 10, 2007. Yin-Poole, Wesley (October 22, 2007). Retrieved January 11, 2008. ^.
February 23, 2007. Retrieved May 20, 2007.
March 5, 2007. Retrieved May 20, 2007. Archived from on March 10, 2007. Retrieved May 20, 2007.
^ McNall, Kent (May 21, 2007). Gas Powered Games. Retrieved May 22, 2007. McNall, Kent (June 7, 2007).
Gas Powered Games. Retrieved June 7, 2007.
Ables, Jeremy (July 30, 2007). Gas Powered Games. Retrieved August 6, 2007.
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Mods Brewlan
December 19, 2014, at the on Retrieved July 9, 2016. Forged Alliance Forever. P. Forged Alliance Forever opening. Retrieved July 9, 2016. ^. Retrieved August 25, 2013.
^ Hafer, T.J. (November 19, 2012). Retrieved August 28, 2014. The official multiplayer servers for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance have been decommissioned for a while now, but fortunately.
the community-driven Forged Alliance Forever has emerged. The self-patching multiplayer client allows players of the epic real-time strategy title to continue blowing things up in massive quantities. It even adds new units, a new faction, and some game modes that weren't available on the official servers, such as 6v6. Clayman, David (March 25, 2007). Retrieved April 26, 2007.
^ Ittensohn, Oliver. Retrieved June 21, 2010. ^ McVickar, Brian (May 8, 2007).
Retrieved June 21, 2010. Ocampo, Jason (February 21, 2007). Archived from on January 23, 2013. Retrieved June 21, 2010. Onyett, Charles (February 16, 2007). Retrieved June 21, 2010.
Retrieved July 31, 2008. Retrieved November 14, 2008. Retrieved November 11, 2008. Robinson, Andy (February 13, 2007). Computer and Video Games. Retrieved July 31, 2008. ^ Meer, Alec (February 15, 2007).
Retrieved July 31, 2008. Bertz, Matt.
Archived from on April 5, 2008. Retrieved July 31, 2008. Ocampo, Jason (February 20, 2007). Retrieved July 31, 2008. Keefer, John (February 23, 2007).
Retrieved July 31, 2008. Rausch, Allen (June 23, 2008). Retrieved October 12, 2009. ^ Onyett, Charles (February 16, 2007). Retrieved July 31, 2008. Brudvig, Erik (June 25, 2008). Retrieved November 13, 2008.
Wong, Steven (February 26, 2007). Retrieved July 31, 2008.
Retrieved March 23, 2007. Retrieved March 23, 2007.
Retrieved March 23, 2007. ^. Retrieved March 23, 2007.

Ocampo, Jason (April 28, 2006). Retrieved March 23, 2007. September 30, 2005. Retrieved March 23, 2007. Inside of Supreme Commander Box (Right page, Bottom center). Retrieved March 23, 2007. Retrieved January 11, 2008.
Retrieved February 16, 2007. Gas Powered Games. Retrieved March 23, 2007. Stapleton, Dan (March 2007). 'Supreme Commander Review'. Page 22.
Korda, Martin (February 19, 2007). Retrieved March 4, 2007. Kvasnicka, David (February 21, 2007). Archived from on September 29, 2007.
Retrieved March 5, 2007. Gallo, Matt (March 6, 2007). Retrieved August 10, 2007. Klinge, Heiko (March 2007). (in German). Retrieved May 24, 2007.
(in French). Archived from on May 15, 2007.
Retrieved May 24, 2007. Coehoorn, Frans & Bouts, Guus (February 18, 2007). Retrieved May 24, 2007. Bramwell, Tom (June 28, 2007). Retrieved July 3, 2007. (November 20, 2007). Retrieved December 2, 2007.
Onyett, Charles (January 11, 2008). Retrieved January 13, 2008.
November 12, 2008. Retrieved November 14, 2008. Maarten Goldstein (November 12, 2008). Archived from on April 16, 2012. Retrieved November 12, 2008. Games Industry.
November 12, 2008. Retrieved November 14, 2008. on. by Kirk McKeand on (June 18, 2015). by Christian Donlan on 'The same thing happened at the end of last year, actually, when Supreme Commander fans released Forged Alliance Forever and gave the game the online client it could otherwise only dream of. I haven't played it much, but I still got a tear in my eye when I read about the extents these coders had gone to. There's nothing quite so wonderful to witness as love, and this is surely love of the very purest order.'
(November 2, 2013). Editorial staff (June 2013). 'Forging On, Supreme Commander has returned a changed game'. (240): 86–87.Further reading.
Bogenn, Tim (2007). Supreme Commander Official Strategy Guide.
Brady Games. Rorie, Matthew (February 23, 2007). Retrieved May 23, 2007.External links. on. at. at.