Starcraft 2 Ai Difficulty Levels
In Galactic Civilizations, Sins of a Solar Empire and Demigod, the difficulty levels of computer players were either hard coded or very hard to access for players.In Elemental, the difficulty levels are in an XML file called CoreDifficultyLevels.xmlThe game will read from the different difficulty levels and display them in game. Players can create new difficulty levels themselves if they’d like by changing this file.In Galactic Civilizations, I only had 3 real variables to play with (and were all in a.h file). They were the AI intelligence, the AI money ratio, and whether the AI had FOW cheats.The AI intelligence ratio was how often the AI got to use the “smart” algorithms versus the “normal” algorithms. The smart ones took up a lot more CPU but produced much more intelligent result (they are the halmark of what we used to refer to as the “SDS/AI” back in the OS/2 days).In Elemental, we have a few more variables to play with such as whether the AI gets to use combat magic, how many points the AI gets to add to their sovereign (compared to the human player) and their starting funds.What’s nice about a data driven difficulty system is that players can create their own difficulty levels as they see fit very easily. One of my favorites (that I would do in my personal builds of GalCiv) was to give the AI a ton of money but make it absolutely stupid so that I was just trying to make my way through hordes of poorly designed ships and terrible unit strategy.With Elemental, I could see players creating all kinds of interesting scenarios because (and this should be remembered because it’s important) the keys are not file based. That is, you don’t have to put things into coredifficultylevels.xml.
How can I play vs A.I. On a set difficulty on a random map? They changed the way match-making works, and it is no longer possible to select the difficulty of the AI you play against (other than perhaps going out of your way to find people who are currently up against the difficulty you want). How to change map in StarCraft 2 custom game.
This addon for Lucky Blocks adds a new Lucky Block that is made out of Diamonds. Lucky block 1.11.2 1 8. Just a few tweaks to some drops.-1.6The Troll Update!-1.5Tweaks to a few drops.-1.4New Drops! More will be added. WELCOMEWelcome to Diamond Lucky Blocks. Just comment if there are any bugs or changes you want me to fix or make.VIDEOS:DONATE:CHANGELOG:-1.7Even better drops!
The game simply looks in directories based on the keys. So you could literally create a new difficulty level in a file called BobsSuperCustomLevels.xml and hand them out.One AI promise from me personally to you guysThe AI in our games is only as good as I am. The better I get at the game, the better the AI will get. So while I’m working hard to make sure the AI in Elemental is good, know that it will keep getting better long after release. In the Starcraft 2 beta, I started out in Copper. Now, I’m in the Platinum league.

Starcraft 2 Ai Difficulty Levels
Practice makes perfect.