Star Wars The Force Unleashed Lightsaber Crystals
You’ll find Holocrons for both Sith and Jedi and getting them can change the color of your Lightsaber, give you additional Force Points, increase your Force talents and help you in any number of other ways. So these Holocrons are definitely worth collecting and seeking out. Additionally remember that you can replay the campaign in New Game+ mode after beating it; where you keep all Holocrons previously found. That way you can build on your previous haul and try to discover more on your next playthrough. Table of Contents.Index of Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Guides:. This Page: Holocrons Locations Guide. New Page:.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360) Cheats Unlockables Hints Easter Eggs Glitches Guides Achievements Get the updated and latest Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). There are two types of crystals in 'The Force Unleashed.' Lightsaber crystals allow you to change the appearance of your lightsaber in both color and shape. You can make your saber longer, wider or more eye appealing. Power crystals give you additional gameplay benefits, and some crystals are. Here’s how you can unlock all Lightsaber Crystals in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360. Select Options Enter Code from the Main Menu. Enter HURRIKANE as the code.
New Page:. New Page:. Goodies:Holocron #1 Saber Crystal: Near the beginning. It is an unmissable holocron. It will be right above where you need to Force Grip the platform to get across the gap.Holocron #2 Saber Crystal: Just after Holocron #1.
It is another unmissable holocron, meaning it will be hard to actually miss this one. It will be right after you Dash through the 3 flames in the hallway at the end of it.Holocron #3 Green Bacta Tank: Just after Holocron #2. It is partially an unmissable holocron.

When you come across the circular walkway, it will be on a platform sticking out from the middle of it.Holocron #4 Experience Point: It is an unmissable holocron. It will be shortly after the area with the 2 fans that you have to use your Force Grip to stop.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Lightsaber Crystals
Then once you drop down the vent and proceed down the hallway with the force fields you brought down it will be in the next room at the center of the console in the room.Holocron #5 Experience Point: It is an unmissable holocron. It will be shortly after you use Force Grip to move a lift upwards to get onto the higher walkway. It will be floating above the large gap in the walkway right when the Imperial Jumptroopers show up for the first time in the game.Holocron #6 Blue Bacta Tank: It is an unmissable holocron. It will be right after you battle the carbonite droid with stormtroopers. When you pass through the door, it will be on the left corner, grab this before proceeding to the right as a cutscene will start and blocking your way back to where you were.
The Force Unleashed Lightsaber Crystals
Page Tools.This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Wii.