Novel Edensor Karya Andrea Hirata
Contents.Biography Hirata was born in Gantung,. While he was young, his parents changed his name seven times. They eventually settled on the name Andrea, while the name Hirata was given by his mother.
He grew up in a poor family not far from a government-owned mine.Hirata started his tertiary education with a degree in economics from the. After receiving a scholarship from the, he did his master's degree in Europe, first at the then at in Britain; his thesis dealt with telecommunications and the economy.Hirata released Laskar Pelangi in 2005. The novel, was written in a period of six months, and was based on his childhood experiences in Belitung; he later described it as 'an irony about a lack of access to education for children in one of the world's wealthiest islands.' The novel went on to sell five million copies, with pirated editions selling 15 million more. It also spawned three sequels: ( The Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov.Laskar Pelangi was adapted into a in 2008 by directors and; the film became the most-viewed Indonesian film of all time, being seen by 5 million viewers during its theatrical run. He also worked at the telecommunications company, eventually quitting to focus on writing.
Resensi Novel Edensor Karya Andrea Hirata
Dalam masa sehari saya berjaya menamatkan 2 karya Andrea Hirata; Sang Pemimpi dan Edensor. Novel-novel tersebut merupakan buku kedua dan ketiga daripada tetralogi Laskar Pelangi. Laskar Pelangi mendiami sudut istimewa di hati saya (yang pertama sentiasa yang terbaik!) Namun, Edensor akrab dengan saya secara peribadi. Nov 16, 2015 Novel Edensor karya Andrea Hirata adalah novel ketiga dari Tetralogi Laskar pelangi yang diluncurkan dan menarik minat para pembaca. Novel ini bercerita tentang keberanian bermimpi, kekuatan cinta, pencarian diri sendiri, dan penaklukan-penaklukan yang gagah berani. Resensi Novel – Edensor (Andrea Hirata) January 20, 2013 - 7:49 pm Reply→ satu yang terlihat menonjol di Buku ketiga dari tetralogi Laskar Pelangi adalah ingatan masa kecil dari tokoh utama sekaligus penulis buku ini, Andrea.
In 2010 the international rights for the Laskar Pelangi tetralogy were bought by American agent Amer & Asia; the rights were later acquired by Kathleen Anderson Literary Management. Afterwards, Hirata opened a library in his hometown.By 2010, he was spending weekends in Belitung and weekdays in. He later published his first English-language short story, 'Dry Season', in. That same year, he spent three months attending a writer's workshop at the.In 2011, television network announced a 15-episode serial adaption of Laskar Pelangi; Hirata had previously said he would not allow such an adaptation, but later relented as he felt the network could guarantee quality. By 2012 the English translation of Laskar Pelangi had been picked up by, and for sale in twenty countries; Hirata was the first Indonesian writer to be published with FSG.
That year he was a speaker at the. Awards Winner of New York Book Festival 2013 in general fiction categoryGranted an Honorary Doctor of Letters (Hon DLitt) from University of Warwick, UK 2015Bibliography. (2005). (2006). Edensor (2007). Maryamah Karpov (2008).
Padang Bulan & Cinta di Dalam Gelas (2010). Sebelas Patriot (2011). Ayah (2015). Sirkus Pohon (2017). Orang-Orang Biasa (2019)References.
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Retrieved 13 January 2012. Fitri, Emmy (4 May 2008). The Jakarta Post.
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Retrieved 13 January 2012. The Jakarta Post. 1 September 2008. From the original on 13 January 2012.
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30 March 2012. Archived from on 3 July 2012. Retrieved 19 January 2017. Novel 'Laskar Pelangi' Sold in 20 Other Countries. Kompas (in Indonesian). 19 June 2012.
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Betapa Sabari menyayangi Zorro. Ingin dia memeluknya sepanjang waktu. Dia terpesona melihat makhluk kecil yang sangat indah dan seluruh kebaikan yang terpancardarinya. Diciuminya anak itu dari kepala sampai ke jari-jemari kakinya yang mungil.
Kalau malam Sabari susah susah tidur lantaran membayangkan bermacam rencanayang akan dia lalui dengan anaknya jika besar nanti. Dia Betapa Sabari menyayangi Zorro. Ingin dia memeluknya sepanjang waktu. Dia terpesona melihat makhluk kecil yang sangat indah dan seluruh kebaikan yang terpancardarinya. Diciuminya anak itu dari kepala sampai ke jari-jemari kakinya yang mungil. Kalau malam Sabari susah susah tidur lantaran membayangkan bermacam rencanayang akan dia lalui dengan anaknya jika besar nanti. Dia ingin mengajaknya melihat pawai 17 Agustus, mengunjungi pasar malam, membelikannya mainan,menggandengnya ke masjid, mengajarinya berpuasa dan mengaji, dan memboncengnya naik sepeda saban sore ke taman kota.
Having good laugh on some pages and goosebumps on the last pages.Sabari is the man who literally has incredible level of patience throughout his life that sometimes I wonder if a man like him truly exists. But then his patience towards Marlena is what empowers this book. Marlena as someone who's quite annoying throughout the book however turned out as the one who makes us love her character in the end. And in my opinion, Zorro/Amiru, Sabari's son in the end of the book has inspired me or maybe e Having good laugh on some pages and goosebumps on the last pages.Sabari is the man who literally has incredible level of patience throughout his life that sometimes I wonder if a man like him truly exists. But then his patience towards Marlena is what empowers this book.
Marlena as someone who's quite annoying throughout the book however turned out as the one who makes us love her character in the end. And in my opinion, Zorro/Amiru, Sabari's son in the end of the book has inspired me or maybe even others something about the family.
Moreover, Ukun and Tamat as Sabari's bestfriends tell us the meaning of what and how the real friendship should work in real life. Andrea as the author also described the situation of Belitong during the past days meticulously and he made it as the wrapping paper of the great gift inside of it which is the plot of Sabari's life itself. To sum up, the book is a piece of Andrea's work that is creative, yet brilliant! What fascinate me the most is the chosen words. The language still the same, Indonesia, but the depiction of silly, blunt, mesmerizing words that really hit me in the sweet spot but like a truck. This melodramatic overbearing fictional father scars me and shame me for how I really am, deep inside. The way the comedic timing just diabolical and effective in delivering a slice of life of humble story without trying too hard.
A cesspool maelstrom of love from sabari toward his crush just. Heartb What fascinate me the most is the chosen words.
The language still the same, Indonesia, but the depiction of silly, blunt, mesmerizing words that really hit me in the sweet spot but like a truck. This melodramatic overbearing fictional father scars me and shame me for how I really am, deep inside.
The way the comedic timing just diabolical and effective in delivering a slice of life of humble story without trying too hard. A cesspool maelstrom of love from sabari toward his crush just.
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it,Sabari's innocence of love make me questioning, 'Do love can control human in such a great way???'
He doesn't realize that his quality of life is decreasing as his trust of his own love of Marlena. I am upset and can't stop cursing his stupidity!!!! Don't blame me, because this novel is very emotional to me.And another question is.Is Amirza Amiru's biological father that made Marlena MBA with Sabari in the first place? Seorang ayah, tak boleh menyerah untuk anaknya-Ayah, hlm.
373.Selamat Hari Ayah Nasional! #telatSebenarnya saya sudah membaca buku ini sejak kemarin, tapi karena ada insiden ' the moment when you read a line that is so beautiful, you just close the book and stare at the wall for a minute' yang terjadi berkali-kali selama saya membaca buku ini, ditambah dengan ceritanya yang masuk kategori 'sangat mengharukan' dalam standar saya yang artinya. (silakan disimpulkan sendiri),Seorang ayah, tak boleh menyerah untuk anaknya-Ayah, hlm. 373.Selamat Hari Ayah Nasional!
#telatSebenarnya saya sudah membaca buku ini sejak kemarin, tapi karena ada insiden ' the moment when you read a line that is so beautiful, you just close the book and stare at the wall for a minute' yang terjadi berkali-kali selama saya membaca buku ini, ditambah dengan ceritanya yang masuk kategori 'sangat mengharukan' dalam standar saya yang artinya. (silakan disimpulkan sendiri), akhirnya saya baru selesai membacanya hari ini.Ngomong-ngomong, novel Ayah yang saya baca ini ternyata sudah edisi cetakan kesebelas.
Tjakkeb!!!Asiknya, membaca buku ini membawa kembali 'rasa' yang muncul saat saya membaca karya-karya Andrea Hirata sebelumnya. Lucu, konyol, mengharukan, dan menghangatkan hati.
Walaupun yang paling memorable tetap buku Laskar Pelangi.Awalnya saya bingung dengan banyaknya tokoh yang ada di dalam buku ini. Tapi setelah terus membaca, akhirnya saya menemukan benang merahnya. Apalagi saat momen 'aha' itu terjadi, saya benar-benar tenggelam dalam ceritanya dan sedang mewek-meweknya. Keren.Jadi, novel Ayah menceritakan tentang kisah cinta Sabari dan Marlena. Sabari jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama kepada Lena.
Sayangnya, perasaan Sabari tidak berbalas. Namun, bukan Sabari namanya kalau dia tidak sabar dan menyerah begitu saja.
Bertahun-tahun, Sabari berjuang untuk mendapatkan cinta Marlena. Apakah Sabari akhirnya berhasil? Hayuk, silakan dicari tahu sendiri:D.Terus, apa hubungannya dengan kata 'Ayah' yang menjadi judul dari novel ini? Kalau menurut saya sih banyak. Dari kisah cinta Sabari ini, kita akan diajak berkenalan dengan berbagai macam tipe Ayah.
Ada ayahnya si anu dan si anu dan si anu, dengan masalah 'bagaimana menjadi seorang ayah' mereka masing-masing. Intinya (kalau menurut saya sih ya.pasang tampang sotoy.
), adalah, kutipan yang saya pajang di atas, 'seorang ayah, tak boleh menyerah untuk anaknya'.Di dalam kisah cinta Sabari, saya menemukan betapa besarnya cinta seorang ayah kepada anaknya. Untunglah tidak seperti kisah cinta Sabari yang tak berbalas, cinta si ayah juga dibalas oleh anaknya dengan sama besarnya. Walaupun ada juga sih beberapa anak yang membandel, tapi akhirnya mereka kena batunya dan menyesal, meskipun sepertinya sudah terlambat.Jadi satu pelajaran lagi buat saya untuk selalu mematuhi dan menyayangi kedua orang tua saya. Ya keduanya, walaupun ayah saya sudah tiada. Saya juga merasakan penyesalan untuk setiap harapan-harapan ayah kepada saya yang tidak sempat saya wujudkan ketika beliau masih hidup. Saya hanya bisa berharap saya masih bisa memanfaatkan waktu yang diberikan Tuhan untuk menjadi anak saleh (semoga) yang doanya bisa tetap mengalir untuk beliau.jadi mau nangis lagi.kangen ayah.At last, 4 dari 5 bintang deh untuk novel Ayah.
Untuk berbagai 'rasa' yang membuat saya sadar kalau saya juga pernah memiliki ayah yang juga pantang menyerah untuk saya. And I won't give up for you too, Dad. Saya dan harapan-harapanmu untuk saya.
I never give up!Oh ya hampir lupa, puisi-puisi yang ada di novel ini, amboi indahnya. Kisah tentang Keluarga Langit itu juga keren. Itu harapan yang sama yang saya sampaikan kalau mau hujan, agar hujan jangan turun dulu, setidaknya setelah saya sampai di rumah. Dan sekarang saya tahu kenapa hujan tetap saja turun dan membuat saya basah kuyup. Mungkin karena saya hanya tahu meminta, tetapi tidak menerbangkan layang-layang untuk awan:). Andrea is one of my favorite Indonesian authors but to be honest, 'Ayah' is my first read after his 'Rainbow Troops' tetralogy.
So I tend to compare this one with his tetralogy (although among the four books, I have my own favorite).As usual, Andrea is very rich and knowledgeable when it comes to words, dictions and poems. This makes a simple reader like me experiences the beauty of Bahasa Indonesia the most. The plot is beautiful and the main character, Sabari, is probably an individual whose Andrea is one of my favorite Indonesian authors but to be honest, 'Ayah' is my first read after his 'Rainbow Troops' tetralogy. So I tend to compare this one with his tetralogy (although among the four books, I have my own favorite).As usual, Andrea is very rich and knowledgeable when it comes to words, dictions and poems. This makes a simple reader like me experiences the beauty of Bahasa Indonesia the most. The plot is beautiful and the main character, Sabari, is probably an individual whose character I will never meet in the real life (just way too 'sabar'!). This time Andrea uses a foreshadowing technique so I was a bit surprised that there were two characters in the beginning of the book which turned out to be the same person (I'm no expert here so excuse me if use the terms wrong).
Hence I give it a four-star.However, there was something missing in the novel. It was not as exciting as the tetralogy. It missed something that makes a book impossible to put down.
When I read the first chapters, it bored me I had to put it down until a week or so before I continue. I am unsure if it was too slow or monotonous. This almost made me rate it as a three-star.Anyhow this is my reunion with Hirata's after a long period (and after I met him in person when he had a meet-n-greet in Brisbane!) so a four it is.
Will look up more of his books in the future! For me, this is one of the most inspiring books I've ever seen.I love the Bahasa, I love the main character Andrea used for (re: Sabari), I love the Everything was amazing!Andrea told that love could be the most powerful weapon for us, to fight our hard situation (or hardest maybe). Love awaken other people dreams, reason to life, giant inside them.
What a great effects!Actually, Ayah (we called 'Father') whatever he is, old or young, as success as Obama or n For me, this is one of the most inspiring books I've ever seen.I love the Bahasa, I love the main character Andrea used for (re: Sabari), I love the Everything was amazing!Andrea told that love could be the most powerful weapon for us, to fight our hard situation (or hardest maybe). Love awaken other people dreams, reason to life, giant inside them.
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What a great effects!Actually, Ayah (we called 'Father') whatever he is, old or young, as success as Obama or not, tall or short, black or white his hair now, choleric or melancholic, complex or simple thinker, all he did only for a reason. To make me happy (hallo Dad!), to make you happy.You must read this! Hug your Dad as soon as possible, and you'll see. Your life changes!:).
'You know someone is special to you when you're literally captivated by them in even the little moments. The slightest thing they say or do, is like watching the universe unfold. And nothing else matters in those moments.' - Sungguh jenaka bagi Sabari yang ingin melihat sandal jepit Marlena saja sudah cukup untuk melepas rindunya.
Daripada kamu, yang punya istri atau suami di rumah, yang setiap malam sabtunya dijemput kekasih, mampu mengucap cinta tanpa ragu, berkesempatan dicintai balik oleh y 'You know someone is special to you when you're literally captivated by them in even the little moments. The slightest thing they say or do, is like watching the universe unfold. And nothing else matters in those moments.' - Sungguh jenaka bagi Sabari yang ingin melihat sandal jepit Marlena saja sudah cukup untuk melepas rindunya. Daripada kamu, yang punya istri atau suami di rumah, yang setiap malam sabtunya dijemput kekasih, mampu mengucap cinta tanpa ragu, berkesempatan dicintai balik oleh yang tersayang, alih-alih bersyukur! We should not let love overwhelms us and make all common sense to dive off a cliff, nor should we ever take it for granted.
As usual, Andrea always makes the reader cry, laugh and deep thought in the same time.Ayah is beyond my expectation about a love that man can gave. With all of his limitation, Sabari push his limits to give the best both for his love marlena and a child named zorro.Andrea told us, that ayah is not about biological relationship, it is about a love that man can gave. Although, zorro is not Sabari's biological child, but andrea create a 'ayah' in Sabari for zorro in perfect way. I personally, real As usual, Andrea always makes the reader cry, laugh and deep thought in the same time.Ayah is beyond my expectation about a love that man can gave. With all of his limitation, Sabari push his limits to give the best both for his love marlena and a child named zorro.Andrea told us, that ayah is not about biological relationship, it is about a love that man can gave. Although, zorro is not Sabari's biological child, but andrea create a 'ayah' in Sabari for zorro in perfect way.
I personally, really falling in love with Sabari's character. Just if and just if, every man in this world has a big hearth like sabari.Ayah is about character and love that man can gave. I recognised Pak Andrea Hirata through his popular novel, Laskar Pelangi. However, I found Laskar Pelangi is too detail and a bit boring (I read only up until page 150), maybe due to Indonesian Language.' Ayah' is different. The Indonesian Language is understandable and its the story I wanted to read the most.I love the 'Awan' poetry because it recalls my memories with my late Abah.Congrats Pak Andrea this novel is very impressive and who knows one day I will visit Belatik, admiring love story of I recognised Pak Andrea Hirata through his popular novel, Laskar Pelangi.
However, I found Laskar Pelangi is too detail and a bit boring (I read only up until page 150), maybe due to Indonesian Language.' Ayah' is different. The Indonesian Language is understandable and its the story I wanted to read the most.I love the 'Awan' poetry because it recalls my memories with my late Abah.Congrats Pak Andrea this novel is very impressive and who knows one day I will visit Belatik, admiring love story of Sabri & Purnama Dua Belas. Under a bright sunny sky, the three-day Byron Bay Writers’ Festival welcomed Andrea Hirata who charmed audiences with his modesty and gracious behavior during two sessions.Andrea also attended a special event where he and Tim Baker, an Australian surfing writer, spoke to a gathering of several hundred school children. During one session, Andrea was on a panel with Pulitzer Prize winning journalis Under a bright sunny sky, the three-day Byron Bay Writers’ Festival welcomed Andrea Hirata who charmed audiences with his modesty and gracious behavior during two sessions.Andrea also attended a special event where he and Tim Baker, an Australian surfing writer, spoke to a gathering of several hundred school children. During one session, Andrea was on a panel with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Washington, DC, Katharine Boo, which he said was a great honor.The August event for the school children was very meaningful to Andrea, the barefooted boy fromBelitung, as he made mental comparisons with the educational opportunities of these children, compared to what he experienced.And now his own life story is about to become even more amazing, as his book Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) is being published around the world in no less than twenty-four countries and in 12 languages.
It has caught the eye of some of the world’s top publishing houses, such as Penguin, Random House, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (New York, US) and many others. Translations are already on sale in Brazil, Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia.All this has come about because of the feeling of appreciation that the young Andrea felt for his teacher, Muslimah. He promised her that he’d write a book for her someday. This was because for him and his school friends, a book was the most valuable thing they could think of.Andrea told a story that illustrated this fact. When royalties flowed in for him he decided to give his community a library.
He spent a lot of money on books. He left the village headman in charge of administering the library. However, when he came back several months later, all the books were gone. People loved the books, but they had no concept of how a lending library functioned.“Some of them could not even read, but they just loved to have a book, an object of great value and importance, in their homes. We will restock the library with books and this time it will be run by our own administration,” he laughed.Andrea told this story as we sat in the coffee shop adjoining a Gold Coast City Library, one of 12 scattered around the city. One of the librarians, Jenneth Duque, showed him around the library, including the new state-of-the-art book sorting machine, for processing returns located in the staff area. As he saw the books being returned through pigeonholes by the borrowers and the computerized conveyor belt sorting them into the correct bin for reshelving, the sight made him laugh and prompted the telling of that story.Andrea wrote the book for his teacher while in the employ of Telkom, but the completed manuscript was taken from his room, which was located in a Bandung student accommodation community.
Whoever took the manuscript knew enough to send it to a publisher and that’s how Andrea, an unhappy postal service worker who had studied economics in Europe and the UK, became the accidental author of the biggest selling novel in Indonesia’s history.He has since written seven more books.Fast forward to 2011 and Andrea was in Iowa, the US, where he did a reading of his short story, The Dry Season. He was approached by an independent literary agent, Kathleen Anderson.
They talked, but for six months there was no news until an email arrived telling him that one of the best publishers in the US, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, had accepted his book.Then every week, more publishers said “yes” and now he has 24 contracts from the world’s leading publishers.Andrea worked with Angie Kilbane of the US on the English translations of Laskar Pelangi and its sequel Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer). Translators from several other countries have visited his home village in Belitung to do research.“For a long time I wondered what was the key to the enormous success of my book,” Andrea said.“I think there’s no single right answer. Perhaps people are fed up with writing focused on urban issues or esca.