Soal Essay Kwu Kelas 11 Semester 2 Smk

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Berikut ini adalah contoh. Contoh soal essay bahasa inggris sma kelas xi semester 2. Yang bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi administarsi guru yang dapat di unduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download. Nov 23, 2017  Soal prakaya & kwu Edit. Soal Prakarya dan KWU pilihan ganda dan jawaban SMK/SMA/MA. CONTOH SOAL SEMESTER 1 KELAS 12 SMA TH 2017/2018 Mapel: Prakarya dan KWU Kelas/Jurusan: XII SMA/SMK/MA Hari/Jam. Soal UTS KWU Pilihan Ganda &.

The Necessity of Salt Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters. Because they were goodand beautiful he loved them all sincerely. He did not know which one he should appoint asqueen.As his birthday approached he summoned his daughters and said to them, 'My dearchildren, I love all three of you sincerely, and for a long time have not known which one ofyou I should name to be the heir to my throne. But I have now decided that the one of youshall become queen who brings to me a birthday present that is most necessary in humanlife.

Go and make your plans accordingly and with utmost diligence.' The old king's birthday arrived, and the two oldest daughters brought him presentsthatwere very necessary, but at the same time extremely expensive. However,the youngest daughter brought him nothing more than a little pile ofsalt in a decorated container. When the king saw her present, he becamevery angry, and he drove his daughter out of the castle, forbidding herever again to let herself be seen by him.With deep sorrow the rejected daughter went out into the unknown world, comfortedonly by her faith in her own good sense.

After walking a good while she came to an inn.There she found a female innkeeper who thoroughly understood cooking. She entered anapprenticeship with her and soon exceeded even the innkeeper in the art of cooking.News spread far and wide of the excellent cook in this inn, and everyone who camethis way and who still had a few kreuzers left in his pocket stopped to be served a roast orsomething even more elegant.The king heard of the cook's reputation, and he hired her as court cook.

Now it cameto pass that the oldest princess was getting married, and the famous cook was assigned thepreparation of the wedding feast, with no expenses to be spared.Thus on the wedding day one elegant dish after the other was served until the tablealmostcracked. Everything was excellently prepared, and everyone praised thecook. Finally the king's favorite dish arrived. Quickly taking a spoonhe tasted it. 'This has not been salted!' He cried out angrily. 'Havethe cook brought before me!'

They quickly ran for the cook, who entered the hall undaunted.' Why did you forget to salt my favorite dish, you careless girl?' Snapped the king at her.The cook answered, 'You drove away your youngest daughter because she thoughtthat salt was so necessary. Perhaps you can now see that your child was not so wrong.' When the king heard these words he recognized his daughter, begged her forforgiveness, asked her to be seated at his side, and accepted her once again as his dearchild.

Then the wedding became doubly joyful.The king lived happily with his children for many years thereafter.Adapted from The Blonde and the Lawyer A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from LA to NY.The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game.The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun.He explains, 'I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me$5.00, and vise versa.' Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep. The lawyer, nowagitated, says, 'Okay, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5.00,and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.00.' This catches the blonde's attention and, figuring there will be no end to this tormentunless she plays, agrees to the game. The lawyer asks the first question.

'What's the distancefrom the earth to the moon?' The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches into her purse, pullsout a $5.00 bill and hands it to the lawyer.

'Okay' says the lawyer, 'your turn.' She asks the lawyer, 'What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with fourlegs?' The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references,no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net and the libraryofcongress, no answer. Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friendsand coworkers, to no avail.

After an hour, he wakes the blonde, andhands her $500.00.The blonde says, 'Thank you', and turns back to get some more sleep.Thelawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks,'Well, what's the answer?' Mother’s DayJuliaWard Howe and Anna Jarvis were the best known pioneers who took up thecause of Mother’s Day in the United States. Julia Ward Howe’s “Mother’sDay” in 1872 was a call for disarmament by women. Anna Jarvis, in 1907,organized a day to raise awareness of poor health condition in hercommunity, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. Shecalled it “Mother’s Work Day.” In 1914, US President, Woodrow Wilsonsigned a Joint Declaration. He declared the second Sunday of May asMother’s Day, the day to honor motherhood.

Today, however, some maythink that the commercial community purposely created Mother’s Day tomake some extra money.Nowadays,this auspicious day has literally become commercial affair. Many peoplespend their time buying material gifts for their mothers. In order tosell more products, many restaurants, gift shops, cake shops andflorists usually give special offers on Mother’s Day. Consequently,their cash registers keep ringing non stop. Obviously, Mother’s Day hasbecome a major profit makes for businesses.It isimportant to remember that the reason behind celebrating Mother’s Day isto say thanks to the most important person in our life – our mother. Itis the day to tell her how much we love her and how special she is forus.Therefore,instead of merely giving material gifts, giving our mother what sheneeds and really wants is more precious.

Showing off our love byspending more time with her, for example, will certainly give us nothingbut heartfelt thanks and real gratitude from our mother.30. Some people thought Mother’s Day was.a. Purposely created just to make moneyb. Created to honor the motherc. Created to make the mother happyd. Created to respect the mothere.

Created to pay tribute to mother31. Who was the creator of Mother’s Day?a.

Anna Jarvis d. Mary Thompsonb. President Woodrow Wilson e.

Joan of Arcc. Julia Ward Howe32. What did Julia Ward Howe do in the 19th century?a. She worked for the NGO.b. She worked in a military service.c. She called for disarmament by women.d. She raised awareness of poor health conditions in her community.e.

She became a charity worker.33. When did the Mother’s Day become officially recognized?a. In 19th Centuryb. According to the text, when the Mother’s Days celebrated?a. On the 1st week of June d. On the 2nd week of Aprilb.

On the 2nd week of May e. On the 1st week of Decemberc. On the 3rd week of May35. What does Mother’s Day bring to the commercial community?a.

It brings havoc to the commercial communityb. It brings problems to the commercial communityc.


It brings adversities to the commercial communityd. It brings disasters to the commercial communitye. It brings immense business to the commercial community36. Who will get benefits from Mother’s Day?a. The childrenb. The hawkersc.

The taxi driversd. Restaurants owners, gift shops owners, cake shops owners and florists ownerse. The beggarsA Lion and a Mouse. A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Risingup angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him when the mousepiteously entered, saying, “If you would only spare my life, I would besure to repay your kindness.”The lion laughed and let him go.

Soal Essay Kwu Kelas 11 Semester 2 Smk 2016

It happened shortly after this that thelion was caught by hunters, who bound with him with strops to theground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came, gnawed the rope with histeeth, and set him free, exclaiming, “You ridiculed the idea of my everbeing able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment ofyour favor; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to conferon a big lion.”(Source: Encarta)37. The text above is a.a. Recount textb. Hortatory expositione. Analytical exposition38. The characters in the text above are.a.

The lion and the hunterb. The mouse and the hunterc. The lion and the moused. The lion and the farmere.

The mouse and the farmer39. The orientation of the text above is stated in.a.

1st paragraphb. 2nd paragraphc. 1st sentenced. 2nd sentencee. Last sentence40. The reorientation of the text is.a. The lion ate the mouseb.

The mouse helped the lionc. The hunter killed the tigerd.

The lion helped the mousee. The hunter helped the lionSumber: inggris-sma-kelas-2.html.

THE EARLY LIFE OF BARACK OBAMABarack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father was a Kenyan named Barack Obama, Sr (Senior). His mother was a White American named Ann Dunham.

His parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced. His father returned to Kenya and saw him only once more before he died in an automobile accident in 1982.After the divorce, Obama’s mother then married an Indonesian, Lolo Soentoro. The family then moved to his stepfather’s home country in 1967. Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old.Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971.

He lived with his maternal grandparents until his graduation from high school in 1979. After that, Obama moved to Los Angeles and studied at Occidental College for two years.

Soal Essay Kwu Kelas 11 Semester 2 Smk 12

He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City.Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of the law review based on his grade and writing competition. In 1990, he became the first Black president of the Harvard Law Review.

He graduated with J.D. Magna cum laude from Harvard in 1989. Source: www.en.wikipedia.orgText 1: questions 11 – 1511. What happened in 1982?a. Obama was born.b. Obama’s father died.c. Obama moved to Indonesia.d.

Obama graduated from high school.12. The synonym of ‘died’ in paragraph 1 line 4 is.a. Flied away.b. Passed away.c. Threw away.13.

The statements below are true, EXCEPT:a. Obama’s father was not an African.b.

Obama was six years old when he moved to Jakarta.c. Obama was the first Black President of Harvard Law Review.d. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with good marks.

When did Obama graduate from high school?a. What does ‘he’ in paragraph 1 line 4 refer to?a.

Obama’s father.c. Obama’s mother.d. Obama’s stepfather.Listening Script Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas 11 Semester 2Karena saya belum dapat memberikan audio untuk soal listening yang diberikan maka sebagai gantinya untuk mengerjakan soal listening diatas silahkan sobat merujuk pada listening script yang saya sediakan berikut ini.This dialogue is for number 1 – 5Manager: Could you please up-date my agenda, Ms Retno?Secretary: With pleasure, Sir.Manager: I’d like to have a general check up on next Friday.Secretary: What time, Sir?Manager: It’s about nine.Secretary: What about your schedule on Monday, Sir?Manager: Ohyeah. I’m going to have meetings with Jayagiri’s Board on Monday and Tuesday at 9 sharp.Secretary: Where is it going, Sir?Manager: At Antasari Hotel.Secretary: Anything else, Sir?Manager: I’ll play golf with Mr Harahap and Mr Sanusi on Saturday morning. Then, for Saturday night, please book me a table for dinner in Kapuas Resto at 7.Secretary: Yes, Sir. You don’t have any actual agenda on Wednesday and Thursday, do you?Manager: Hmmactually, I plan to supervise our branch offices in Balikpapan.Secretary: Do you want me to make a flight reservation, Sir?Manager: Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.Secretary: My pleasure, Sir.This text is for number 6 – 10ALBERT EINSTEINAlbert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14th, 1879. He grew up in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.

Einstein taught himself geometry when he was 12 years old. School made him bored because it required endless memorizing and reciting.

He often skipped classes to study on his own or to play his violin.Einstein made many theories on Physics, but the most famous theory is about atomic energy. Einstein said that matter and energy is the same thing. He expressed this relation in a famous equation: E=mc2. This equation says that energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light squared (c2). Energy can therefore be changed into matter, and matter into energy.

The ability to turn matter into energy led to the development of the atomic bomb and nuclear power.Einstein’s theories made him famous, even though few people understood them. He became a university professor and director of a physics institute in Berlin, Germany. After the Nazis rose to power in Germany, Einstein left. In 1933, he came to the United States, where he lived the rest of his life. Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey, on April 18, 1955. Source: Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation.

All rights reservedJawaban dan Pembahasan SoalJika diperlukan, setelah berlatih menjawab soal-soal diatas secara spontan sobat pelajar semua dapat mencocokkan hasil yang diperoleh dengan kunci jawaban yang ada dibawah ini.1. BSoal dan jawaban yang diberikan di atas adalah soal dan jawaban yang bersumber dari bse yang disediakan secara online yaitu “Widyantoro, Agus. Effective comunication: an integrated course of english for vocational High School./Agus Widyantoro, Kartika Pratiwi, Nuki Prihatini. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasioanal”.Demikianlah pembahasan soal dan jawaban untuk Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas 11 Semester 2 kali ini. Semoga apa yang disajikan disini dapat menambah sumber referensi belajar bagi sobat semua dalam mendalami materi pelajaran yang diberikan disekolah.