How To Get Hanharr

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How much of a!@#$ do I have to be to Hanharr to get access to all of his conversation options? Showing 1-3 of 3 comments Mandalore MVM Subforum is Shit Jul 24, 2017 @ 2:05pm I would say its easier to get Mira on your side, then Hanharr. Brother Dave. Jul 25, 2017 @ 8:21am.

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How To Get A Harriet Carter Catalog

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The method is quite simple: !This is how you write it! On my second playthrough, I didn't realize that Mira/Hanharr was a dark/light check or that the check happened as early as it did. So I got to the cutscene where you get one of them and my last save from before that had been the autosave from Atton getting attacked, which was still after the check the game runs to seal your fate.So I googled if it was possible to do KSE magic to trick the game. I encountered this threadwhich concluded that it couldn't be done. It explained that the check was done way before that. For anyone playing without the KSE, this is accurate.

However, I did manage to trick it by tinkering with the KSE.Step 1) Save right before the door for the conversation between Visuis and Hanharr that concludes with you taking control of either Mira or Hanharr.​Step 2) If the person it gives you control of isn't the person you want to recruit as a companion, don't save over it. I don't know if it's possible to come back from that point, but so long as you don't save over the file you made before the door, you can still undo it.Step 3) Open KOTOR Save file Editor. Don't mess with the Dark/light alignment as the game doesn't care about that anymore. What you need to do is open the tab called 'Globals,' and the tab within globals called 'numerics.'

Scroll WAY down to the numeric called '303NARHanharrSide.' This is what the game checks during the cutscene to decide your companion. If it is equal to '0' it thinks you were light side during the check it made earlier and gives you Mira. If it is equal to '1' it thinks you were dark side during that check and gives you Hanharr. So long as you change this value before you've been given control of Mira/Hanharr, you can give yourself the other companion.Step 4) Click the door again and watch the cutscene of Visquis and Hanharr.

It should end by giving you control of the companion you actually want.​Other Info) A similar trick can be done for tricking the game to give you Handmaiden as female or HAHAHAHAHA that's pretty much it. The idea of anyone choosing the librarian instead of the Handmaiden is laughable. It doesn't check the gender next to 'Gender' in KSE, it checks a Global. I think the Handmaiden global is a boolean instead of a numeric, and I can't remember the name but it's pretty obvious.

Just scroll down and you'll see it. Because, in the case of Mira/Hanharr, it's a single file unzipped to the override that fixes the problem you had instantly, with no need for an outside program or tinkering. I'm not castigating you for trying to fix things in a more versatile way, but a mod is easier, and users who have a similar problem and do a search are going to find this thread. They'll probably want to see the fix that involves just unzipping a file to a folder and not the one that involves downloading KSE, finding their save directory, opening up the program and finding the proper booleans, etc.