Star Wars Lancer Class Frigate

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  1. Star Wars Lancer Class Frigate Model Kits

Star Wars Lancer Class Frigate Model Kits

OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: Because nobody revamps silly canon ship designs like fractalsponge.Image Credit:Canon Link: N/ARestricted Missions: N/APrimary Source: N/APRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer:Model: Lancer II-class Air Defense FrigateAffiliation: The First OrderModularity: N/AProduction: Mass-ProducedMaterial: Alusteel Hull with Turadium Internal Reinforcement, Carbon-Nanofilamint Armor Plating, Glassteel and Transparisteel where appropriate. Strengths:. Anti-Starfighter Specialist: Like its venerable ancestor, the Lancer II is a dedicated anti-starfighter ship. Though it has fewer individual weapon mounts than the old one, the ones it does are more precise and more powerful, and are wedded to a far more advanced targeting and fire control suite, and the frigate is just as capable of scything through squadrons of fighters.Weaknesses:. One Trick Pony: The Lancer II does not really excel at any role besides the anti-starfighter one.

Star wars lancer class frigate reviewStar Wars Lancer Class Frigate
  1. Kuat Drive Yard's Lancer-class Frigate Type. ASW Screening Vessel Cargo Capacity. 300 Metric Tons Scale. Capital Consumables. 2 years Length. 250 Meters Hyperdrive Multiplier. X2 Pilot Skill. More Star Wars Mush Wiki. 1 Duros; 2 D6 Rules/Space Combat and Damage; Explore Wikis Flipline Fan Customers Wiki.
  2. The Lancer-class was a frigate design armed with 20 AG-2G quad laser cannons, with at least some of these guns capable of being retracted into the main hull of the vessel.7 The Lancer was propelled by four drive engines and had a hangar bay area on its ventral side, where it could dock two shuttles. In addition, the Lancer has a docking port located on the top of its bow.

It is an escort ship through and through. Weak Punch: Among the most prominent weaknesses of hte ship is the complete lack of any sort of capital ship weaponry.

While the combi-turrets enable it to be useful againstDESCRIPTIONAn unexpected revamp of a legacy design, the Lancer II is a no frills small frigate with a single dedicated role, designed to act as a fleet escort ship, anti-starfighter picket, and system patrol vessel. It is quick and armored with the new Carbon-Nanofilament armor which gives it remarkable durability for its size, and well armed with advanced quad laser turrets and dual-purpose Ion Cannon/LTL mounts, giving it both the legendary anti-starfighter capability of its predecessor, and also a reasonable combat capability against pirates, corvettes, and similarly sized vessels. A bare-bones and cheap design, the ship is not well suited for any special missions, it is cramped and focused, but quick to produce and with enough advanced and automated systems that it can be crewed effectively even with limited training.With the other notable anti-starfighter frigates being more specialized, expensive designs, the Lancer II is slotted to quickly become the standard escort frigate for First Order battlegroups.

The Lancer Frigate was first proposed, designed and put into service within the fleet of the Galactic Empire after suffering a number of defeats in skirmishes against enemy starfighters. It’s twenty AG-2G quad-laser cannons are finely calibrated specifically for high-speed targets, and they are placed on small towers which allow them a far.

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