Armstrong Number In C

All Armstrong Numbers
If the given number is equal to the sum of the power of n for each digit present in that integer then, that number can be Armstrong Number in C programming. For example, 153 is an Armstrong Number in C programming. Number of individual digits in 153 = 3 This program for Armstrong Number in C. Armstrong Number in C A C Program to Find Armstrong Number Armstrong Number - An Armstrong Number is a Number which is equal to it’s sum of digit’s cube. For example - 153 is an Armstrong number: here 153 = (1.1.1) + (5.5.5) + (3.3.3).
Generate Armstrong Numbers in CTo generate Armstrong numbers in programming, you have to ask tothe user to enter the interval to print the Armstrong number between the given interval as shownhere in the following program. C Programming Code to Generate Armstrong NumbersFollowing C program ask to the user to enter the interval, to print the Armstrong numbers in thegiven interval. Since if you start from 1 then the first Armstrong number will be 153.So enter the interval which contain 153 like enter starting number as 1, 2, 3, 4. Andenter the ending number like 154, 155, 156.etc. It is just a clue that the first Armstrongnumber is 153 so to check/print, you can follow it.Generate Armstrong number from the following C program, so following C program illustrates it.