Outlook Crashes When Adding New Account

- Outlook Crashes When Adding New Account On Microsoft Outlook
- Outlook Crashes When Adding Exchange Account
- Outlook Crashes When Adding New Account Gmail
Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013Last updated: June, 2019For issues that are not covered on this page, we have multiple tools to help you automatically diagnose and fix a range of Outlook problems. Check out this article:Jump to each section on this page for specific Outlook issue:Outlook know issues in the June 2019 updates.Outlook known issues in the May 2019 updates.Outlook known issues in the March 2019 updates.Outlook known issues in the January 2019 updates.Outlook known issues in the December 2018 updates.Outlook known issues in the November 2018 updates.Outlook known issues in the October 2018 updates.Outlook known issues in the September 2018 updates.Outlook known issues in the June 2018 updates.Outlook known issues in the March 2018 updates. Last Updated: April 6, 2018ISSUEWhen an on-premise Outlook user opens the Scheduling Assistant to book a meeting, cloud users Free/Busy shows as slashed lines.This will normally occur if the user added to the meeting has time blocked on their calendar with availability as Working Elsewhere.STATUS: WORKAROUNDUntil a fix is available, you can use Outlook Web App (OWA) to schedule the meeting as a workaround or you can ask the user with Working Elsewhere availability to switch it to Free or Busy.For more information on this issue, please go to. Last updated: January 24, 2018ISSUEWhen you add new users to an existing meeting and choose Send updates only to added or deleted attendees the meeting location is not preserved.STATUS: FIXED.For Outlook 2016 (Click To Run), the issue is now fixed in service in builds 8502.1000 and higher.
To get the latest update immediately, open Outlook and choose File Office Account Update Options Update Now.For Outlook 2013, the issue is planned to be fixed in the February Public Update for versions 15.0.5007.1000 and higher.Information for this issue is also provided in. Last updated: January 17, 2018ISSUEIf you have two different Exchange accounts (including Outlook.com) in your Outlook 2016 profile, and you mark emails for follow up on both mailboxes, the subjects and details of the emails are not visible in the To-Do Bar or the Tasks View.STATUS: FIXEDThe issue is fixed in Monthly Channel Version 1712 (Build 8827.2179). To get the latest update immediately, open Outlook and choose File Office Account Update Options Update Now.Information for this issue is also provided in. Last Updated: October 16, 2017ISSUEAfter installing the October Public Update for Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013, you may get this error in the folder pane display when you click on folders in the Business Contact Manager pane: We didn't find anything to show here. Additionally, an error dialog appears with this error: Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not complete your last action or actions.
Please try again.STATUS: WORKAROUNDFor the most recent information on this issue, go to. Outlook known issues in the Sep 2017 updates. Notes:.You need to restart Outlook after setting the TrustedFormScriptList key.The example registry keys use 16.0 for Outlook 2016.
Outlook 2016 POP Account Problems (Fixed) The February 2016 update for Outlook 2016 is causing problems for POP3 users. Build 16.0.6568.2025 is causing problems for people who have Outlook set to leave mail on the server for a period of time. Instead of deleting the aged mail from the server, it deletes all of the mail.
Create a new Outlook profile: Open Control Panel and click on User Account. Now click on, Mail click on Show Profiles. Here, select the profile you want ‘remove’ and click on Remove. Once, you have removed its time to ‘add’ so, click on Add and in the Profile Name box type in a name for the profile. Re: Outlook 2016 crashing when selecting folder The /cleanviews trick DOES work, but it's not perm. As the issue came back eventually, unless you use it as your full-time launch. In my case, I ultimately installed and ran Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365, which wiped the bits, and I followed with a clean install.
Use 15.0 for Outlook 2013, 14.0 for Outlook 2010 and 12.0 for Outlook 2007.After making the above changes the registry keys will look like the following:HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftOffice16.0OutlookSecurityDisableCustomFormItemScript'=dword:00000000HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftOffice16.0OutlookFormsTrustedFormScriptList'IPM.Note.Custom'='IPM.Note'='NOTE: In some cases forms in secondary mailboxes and Public folders still don't work after the registry key settings. To fix this, enable scripts in the Trust Center:.Click File Options. ACTION REQUIRED: Reconnect Outlook 2016 or Outlook 2013 to Outlook.com for uninterrupted email accessEarlier this year we introduced the new Outlook.com, which helps you focus on what matters, collaborate effortlessly, and get more done. As part of the upgrade, we are also moving accounts to a more secure and reliable infrastructure.
The upgrade impacts all Outlook, Hotmail, Live, or MSN email accounts.Once your Outlook.com account has been upgraded, you’ll need to reconnect Outlook 2016 or Outlook 2013 to your Outlook.com account to ensure the best experience and fix issues. To check if your account has been upgraded, login to your account through a web browser and compare your mailbox with the images below.Mailbox Pre-UpgradeMailbox Post-UpgradeIf you do not reconnect your upgraded email account, you will soon no longer be able to send or receive Outlook.com emails via your desktop version of Outlook 2016 and 2013 until you reconnect. Additionally, by not reconnecting, you may experience email and calendar sync issues that will be resolved once you reconnect. You will still be able to send and receive emails via the web on.For detailed instructions and help on how to reconnect your account, please visit this.
Last updated: January 24, 2017ISSUEWhen connecting in Outlook as an Exchange account, you are unable to configure your personal custom domain email account.WORKAROUND.to your DNS settings at your domain registrar. A CNAME record is needed for Outlook to configure the account using Autodiscover. The only record you need to add is for Host Autodiscover.Record typeHostPoints toTTLCNAME (Alias)autodiscoverautodiscover.outlook.com1 hour.Verify your MX record is still configured for Hotmail. An MX record ensures you can receive email from other people.When you originally setup your Domain settings for Outlook.com an MX record was added to your DNS settings. Smac 2.0 registration id. This record has some unique numbers and/or letters followed by.pamx1.hotmail.com and it needs to be preserved.
You can confirm the MX record is still configured properly by looking up your domain at. This record should be listed before any other MX records for this domain.
For example, this is what it should look like on:PrefHostnameIP AddressTTL1060 min. Last updated: May 2, 2017ISSUEWhen you try to accept a shared Outlook.com calendar using your Office 365 for business account in Outlook 2016, you might receive the 'Something went wrong' error or your sign-in might fail.STATUS: WORKAROUNDTo access the calendar shared with your Office 365 for business account, you’ll need to accept the invitation from Outlook on the web, iOS, or Android.
If you've already clicked the Accept button in Outlook 2016, you won't be able to re-accept the invitation from another Outlook application. The person who sent you the invitation will need to remove your permissions and then send a new invitation.
Outlook known issues in the June 2017 security updatesLast updated: July 11, 2017The issues documented in this section have been reported after installing the recent updates listed below. We're investigating the issues and will update this page when a fix is available. In the meantime, please use the workarounds suggested for each issue. Note: Please also see this article for an update on this issue:.This issue affects Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016.When you use a custom form that you have created for Outlook, you see the following two symptoms:.VBScript does not run.You get a malicious code warning:STATUSIf you’re an Office 365 customer, the fix is now available to Insider Fast audience.For other channels, an update is scheduled for mid-September, in versions 16.0.8418.5703 and later.
We will update this page when the fix is released.Issue is fixed for all MSI versions. For Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016, install the updates below to fix the issue. ISSUELast updated: August 3, 2017This issue affects all Outlook versions on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.When searching in Outlook, you get this error: “ Something went wrong and your search couldn’t be completed.”, or ' Search results may be incomplete because items are still being indexed'.And you'll see this Event Log warning:STATUS: FIXEDWindows has released fixes via Windows Updates to address a reliability issue in Windows Search. Below are the relevant KB updates for each version:. Note: The fix for this issue has been released on June 27, 2017.
If you implemented the workaround to disable Windows Desktop Search Service, you can now set the PreventIndexingOutlook registry key to DWORD: 0 to go back to using Windows Search.WORKAROUNDIf the issue is not resolved after installing the updates, please use the workaround below:.If search is not working for Exchange accounts, delete the OST files which will cause a re-sync and re-index of the account:.OST files are typically stored at C:UsersAppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook.To find the name and location of the OST file, click File, Account Settings, Account Settings, Data Files. Locate the correct email address, click on the name, and click Open File Location.Before you can delete the OST file, you need to close Outlook so the process will release the file.After deleting the file, restart Outlook and let the email sync again.Another workaround is to, and add your accounts to the new profile. We recommend keeping the old profile until you know you have moved over any local data or PST files.Until you can install the Windows Update fix release, you can set a registry key that will cause Outlook to stop using the local Windows Search service.
When this registry key is set, Outlook will use its own built-in search engine. The built-in search will display the message below to indicate it is not using the Windows Search service.Disable Windows Desktop Search Service for Outlook. Note: The following steps show you how to modify the registry.
Outlook Crashes When Adding New Account On Microsoft Outlook

However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Please make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it.
Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. ISSUEiCloud fails to load properly in Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016.When accessing Calendar, Contacts, or Tasks, you get the following error:The set of folders cannot be opened. MAPI was unable to load the information service C:PROGRA2COMMON1AppleInternet ServicesAPLZOD.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.' STATUS: WORKAROUNDThe loading of unregistered MAPI services has been disabled by default to make Outlook more secure.If you're using Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, uninstall and re-install iCloud to resolve this issue.
For more information, see page.For Outlook 2007, use the workaround below. Warning: This workaround may make your computer or your network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses.
Outlook Crashes When Adding Exchange Account
Microsoft does not recommend this workaround but is providing this information so that you can choose to implement this workaround at your own discretion. Use this workaround at your own risk.If you have trusted applications that depend on being loaded in this manner, you can re-enable those applications by setting the following registry key:REGDWORD HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0OutlookSecurity AllowUnregisteredMapiServicesYou can use the following registry subkey to apply the registry setting as a domain policy:HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftOffice12.0OutlookSecurity AllowUnregisteredMapiServicesValue 0 (default): Block loading of unregistered MAPI services. This is the recommended setting to avoid unexpected execution of unknown code.Value 1: Enable loading of unregistered MAPI services. Important: The following steps show you how to modify the registry.
However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Please make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.
For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see.To make these registry changes, follow these steps:.Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.Locate and then click the following subkey in the registry:HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0OutlookSecurity.On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.Type AllowUnregisteredMapiServices for the name of the DWORD, and then press Enter.Right-click AllowUnregisteredMapiServices, and then click Modify.In the Value data box, type 1 to enable the registry entry, and then click OK. Note: To disable the AllowUnregisteredMapiServices setting, type 0 (zero), and then click OK.Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.Vulnerability information (applies to all versions)MAPI does not validate that a provider’s DLL that it is requested to load is registered correctly in MapiSVC.inf or even that it comes from the local machine.
This can be exploited by creating a file together with an OLE object in such a way to cause MAPI to load a DLL from a network share when the OLE object is activated. This can allow arbitrary code execution to occur. Last Updated: March 9, 2018ISSUEWhen you try to configure a secondary account from the same Office 365 tenant in Outlook 2016 (Current Channel) with ADAL enabled, you receive the following error: 'An encrypted connection to your mail server is not available. Click Next to attempt using an unencrypted connection.' STATUS: FIXEDThis issue is fixed in Office Insider Build 16.0.9124.2004 and higher.
The fix will be available for Monthly Channel versions later in March.The fix is currently only available in Insider build 16.0.9124.2004 and higher. It will eventually be made available to Monthly Channel versions later in March. For Semi-Annual Channel and Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) versions, please disable ADAL on the client as a workaround. To do this, follow these.You can also start Outlook using the /profiles switch and create the profile.
Outlook Crashes When Adding New Account Gmail
To do this:.Right-click the Windows Start menu and choose Run.Type Outlook.exe /profiles and press OK.When Outlook starts, click New in the Choose Profile window to create a new profile. Note: If you don't know your Outlook version, go to File Office Account to check your Outlook version.How to filter and sort your mailTo sort your emails by Unread, Mentioned or use other filters, select the All button and choose one of the options. You can also select Arrange By and then pick one of the options such as Date, From, etc.Another options is to use the Filter Email button on the ribbon. Last updated: Sep 19, 2017ISSUECustomers on Current Channel major version 16.0.8326.2062 are not able to edit shared calendars.You might see the following error when trying to edit or add a new item on the calendar:You don’t have permission to create an entry in this folder.
Right-click the folder, and then click Properties to check your permissions for the folder. See the folder owner or your administrator to change your permissions.If you right-click the shared folder to check permissions, you see the following error:Cannot display the folder properties. The folder may have been deleted or the server where the folder is stored may be unavailable. Cannot display folder properties.
You don’t have appropriate permission to perform this operation.Status: FixedThe fix for this issue is being released in build 16.0.8431.2079. To install the update immediately, please go to File Office Account Update Options Update Now. Note: Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365 is currently only available for use by Office 365 customers.CalCheck checks your Outlook calendar or general settings for problems, such as permissions, free/busy publishing, delegate configuration, and automatic booking.