Might And Magic 8 Skills

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Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Walkthrough/FAQ. 5% chance of success per point of skill in Dark Magic 8. Moon Ray - A powerful spell of Darkness, Moon Ray heals your characters. Might and Magic VIII. Tougher Monsters. I use tougher monsters to keep the game fun after it has gotten too easy. (Unfortunately, MM8 is still too easy for my tastes, even with this file and a bunch of self-imposed rules.) Insert this monsters.txt file into your EnglishT.lod file, using the MM8 Level Editor. Remember to backup your EnglishT.

  1. Might And Magic 8 Spells
  2. Might And Magic 8 Vampire Skills
  3. Might And Magic 8 Skills

Might and Magic VIII hints and tipsDavidde Jongh's Might andMagic VIII Hints and TipsContentsRegionsGeneral InformationOther LinksYou are visitor number since 6/23/2000I’ve been playing M&M since Clouds of Xeen, so I guess you’d call me adedicated fan. VIII carries on the tradition (and game engine) of VI and VII but with anumber of enhancements that players have been asking for, but also with some of theannoyances that still haven’t been fixed. Mercifully, they've dropped thecontrived science fiction ending (although the blasters were a lot of fun).One of the great new features is the ability to drop a team member who isn’tperforming usefully, and replace him or her with a stronger one. You could swap out teammembers in previous versions of the game, but they’d be rookies when they joined, soit wasn’t a worthwhile feature.You can now identify where the teachers are on the main map screen for each area. Theyappear as blue disks. If you right click on a blue disk, it will tell you the name of theskill and the level taught.I found two problems with the game, one the occasional tendency to lock up and theother a strange feature where the planes of the background aren’t painted properlyafter minimizing the game for an extended period then restoring it.

This may be apeculiarity of my board, a Viper V550 16MB. 3DO were of little help: get new drivers, exitother programs etc., none of which helped. The only solution is: save early, save often.Fortunately the plane-painting problem goes away when you restart the game, although youdo have to exit – just reloading doesn’t help.I equipped my team with a knight, a cleric, an archer and a wizard the first time Iplayed M&M VII.

The second time I played, I found a second knight was much more usefulthan the archer. In VIII, there’s no archer class – evidently other playersfound them as useless as I did – so I picked up a second knight as soon as I could.

Ireplaced the vampire with a knight (Blazen Stormlance) who is a level 50 and a GrandmasterArmsmaster, Sword and Repair. This was definitely an easy choice as the vampire is evenless useful than the archer was in M&M VII. Blazen's only problem is that he'smiddle-aged and takes more damage than Simon Templar, but he sure can hit!My final team was two clerics, a wizard and two knights.


The clerics are good for Dayof Protection, Day of the Gods, Raise Dead, Regeneration and Preservation. They have acouple of hostile spells, including Berserk, which is a lot of fun when it works, andthey’re OK melee fighters, particularly if you find a decent mace.

The Wizard is goodfor Fly, Town Portal, Lloyd’s Beacon and Alchemy skill. There are also a number ofuseful hostile spells, particularly Fireball at the lower level and Mass Distortion at thehigher levels. Mass distortion can deliver several hundred damage points at a time whenyou are at about level 20 Earth magic. My knights are Grandmaster Sword and Spear, whichmeans they can carry one in each hand. Spear means they start to hurt before they getreally close in. With a sufficiently high speed and Armsmaster skill level (level 20Grandmaster), these guys really kick ass!

They deliver about 145 damage points every thirdhit, but they are hitting all the time.It took me about eight months of on-and-off play to get through M&M VI, probablybecause I was used to playing in turn-based mode. M&M VII took about two months(unfortunately I have a day job), and I was intrigued by the description of the'awesome power' of the blasters. Because my wizard was able to do so muchdamage, I was still using turn-based mode so that the wizard was able to switch amongspells, and so not suffer the recovery penalty.

When everyone had a blaster, however, Idiscovered that by keeping my finger on the attack ('A') button, they workedlike machine guns. Essentially, they have zero recovery time, so although they onlydelivered about 18 damage points a shot, they were so fast, you could wipe out wholeplatoons of monsters as if they were standing still.Although there are no blasters in M&M VIII, the attack button works well when yourteam members have a high Speed attribute and master or grandmaster Armsmaster skill. Mystrategy now is to use the wizard to soften up a tribe of monsters from a distance, thengo in in melee mode.

It’s also worth getting the best bows you can for each member,and of course make sure everyone starts out with the bow skill.In general, every quest will raise your team one level. It’s a good idea to giveeveryone the Learning skill, which will boost their experience gained by ten percent.Clearing an area of tough monsters will often raise you by one level or even more.I made one of my clerics a master merchant, but it doesn’t do much good. I thinkthe best he could do was sell at about 65% and buy at cost. That’s not so critical inthis game as it was in earlier versions: I ended up with about two million gold anyway, sowas never short of money.Be sure everyone gets some type of body armor to start with, but concentrate on thearmor skill you’re intending to develop long term.

For example, don’t wasteskill points on leather if your knight is going to use plate.I found that there was much less damage done to armor and weapons in this game than inprevious versions. Nonetheless, use the Harden Item (yellow + green) potion oneveryone’s main body armor. It’s very cheap to make and you only need expertalchemy skill to make it.I don’t remember if it was like this in previous versions, but every chest in thisgame is trapped, and as you go through, the damage gets worse. Be sure everyone is healedbefore you open a chest, or you may find yourself having to pay to raise the dead.Speaking of potions, just about every area has someone who will make you a black potionof some sort, provided you’re carrying the right ingredients. So for example, whenyou enter the hut of the person who will make the Pure Speed potion, you will need to becarrying four red, two blue and one yellow reagent.

Pick up every reagent you see.Dagger Wound Island is a weird place. Everything is in jarring colors, but thiseventually changes (once you save the world!). There are a couple of easy quests, and somevery low-level enemies. The islands are populated entirely by lizards (who are friendly,by the way) and are subject to attacks by pirates. The pirates can wipe you out, but youhave to be pretty careless.

Beware of the dark patches on the ground outside the main town– they are areas where meteors / volcanic eruptions fall. The pirates are a usefulannoyance – they’re not much of a challenge, but they keep repopulating so youcan build up experience points and gold early in the game.The Abandoned Temple (where you can pick up Simon Templar the knight) is the site ofseveral preliminary quests, most of them pretty easy.

There are some funny flying snakes(quetzals) that will make mincemeat of your team if you don’t start shooting as soonas you get in. (They hide behind and beneath the staircase, so shoot over the side). Thelizard men are not very strong, but there are a lot of them, so you may need two or threeshots to get all the way through. The statue quest is the only one that takes a littlepatience. There’s a scroll that tells you which square to click on in the room withthe red squares, but I ended up clicking on several and taking some minor damage from thetraps.Note that Dagger Wound is one of the few places you can get the Axe skill, and somepretty tasty axes pop up from time to time.Thanks to one of my faithful legion of fans for reminding me about the UpliftedLibrary, which is where you'll find the Lost Book of Khel. This is on an island inthe southeast quadrant of the region, and you won't see it on the map until you can fly orwater walk or levitate long enough to find the place.

Once you get there, there's acrowd of Tritons and Boulders, none of which should pose any problems by now (although Ithink there were quite a few of them). There are a few spell scrolls in thebookshelves.Once you get through the abandoned temple, you can take the boat to Ravenshore. Thecity is divided into two areas by a bridge.

The rich half has all the stores, the poorhalf has a number of teachers, and the wolf hunter, who (a) pays you for dire wolf hidesand (b) gives you the Destroy the Dire Wolves quest. The poor half also has a lot of trashheaps with a lot of useful treasure, including weapons.

Use the same person to inspect allof the trash heaps, so you only have to use one shot of Cure Disease when you’redone.Ravenshore is also the place where you start the main line quests. Visit the MerchantGuild of Alvar to get started. The main line starts with you having to form alliances witha number of factions. You choose which factions you want to ally with, and each factionhas an opposite number that will be hostile to you as soon as you form an alliance withthe other one. For example, if you ally with the Dragon Hunters in Garrote Gorge, theDragons will attack you. In the center of town is the big pink structure of Escaton'sCrystal, which you can't enter until you are a long way into the game.

On thewestern outskirts there is the Vault of Time, but again, it will be a while before you getthere - you have to solve the Obelisk Quest and figure out its cryptic clue (see spoilerssection).The dire wolves aren’t terribly strong, but there are a lot of them, and they willrepopulate until you clean out their den. This is OK, as you can build up points and goldby killing them and selling their hides.Speaking of hides, you can sell Naga hides (no, not Naugahyde) to Reaver, who lives onthe main square in Ravenshore. Remember this when you get to Garrote Gorge and wonder whatto do with all those hides.There are lumps of ore scattered around the Dire Wolf area. Be sure to pick them up.They’re low-grade, but don’t take up a lot of space.The Smuggler’s Cove is pretty easy, but will probably take two attempts to getthrough, as it’s fairly extensive.

Up the hill between the Smuggler’s Cove andthe Dire Wolf den is the Chapel of Eep, which has a piece of cheese and some usefultreasure. It’s populated with Wererats and Ratmen, all of which are pretty puny.The northern area has a lot of Centaurs. They are not very powerful, but they movearound a lot, and there are quite a lot of them.

It takes quite a long time to chase themall down, and the treasure is so-so. There’s also Lord Brinny’s tomb, which isessentially a cast list. There’s a flute there, that you might want to keep(it’s not completely useless, as the flute in M&M VI was, although itdoesn’t play a tune when you click on it).Lastly, there’s the Oracle, who will give you a clue that will kind of keep you ontrack for the main line.

He will also retrieve quest items you may have carelesslydiscarded. Most of the scrolls you’ll find are pretty useless, as you’ll visitthe dungeons they describe anyway. There is one scroll you should definitely keep,that’s the key to the puzzle of the minotaur city of Balthazar Lair.As you go through the game, you find that the shops become worse and worse in terms oftrading. At least Alvar has the benefit that there are craftsmen who will turn all thoselumps of ore into cool stuff you can either use yourself or sell. They are in twocommunities, one in the south, the other across the river from the city.Some of the people in this game buy weird things. In Alvar, there’s a guy who buysogre ears, and another one that buys wasp stingers. There’s also a Royal Wasp Jelly,which you can sell in Dragonsand for decent bucks.

The ogres are fairly tough, but therearen’t usually more than two or three together. You’ll probably get an ear forevery three ogres you kill. The wasp stingers are a little rarer. The wasps aren’tthat strong, but they can cluster together. Watch out when you get into the wasp hive– there are a lot of them, and a lot of them are warriors.

Be sure to save frequentlyand use a couple of different save files – you can find yourself in a trap from whichthere’s no escape. You’ll also need the Jump spell to get around in the hive.Kill as many as you can from below before jumping to the next level.The Ogre fortress is relatively tough to get into, because you have ogres attackingfrom several directions when you enter. I found it best to pick one group and keepattacking it until one or two were killed, then exit and heal before my guys wereslaughtered. It’s a long process, but once you’ve got the entrance cleared, youcan fight in corridors and rooms and it becomes easier.The dark dwarf compound is a lot of fun. The boulders are relatively tough, and havesome resistance to physical damage, but not enough to be noticeable.

The dark dwarves arein small groups, so don’t present much of a problem if you can lure them away fromthe boulders. The barracks has a couple of traps, one of which is very hard to figure out,unless you’ve squandered your skill points on perception.You have to get your wizard promoted before you can learn the Fly spell, but you canuse Jump to scale the cliffs in this region. To jump up a cliff, set your Wizard’squick spell to Jump. Face the bottom of the cliff and press shift-forward arrow.

Tab toyour wizard and press the 'S' key quickly (don’t let your finger linger onthe button). Keep the shift-forward button pressed and repeat the Jump until you reach thetop.The areas at the tops have ores and reagents, and more ogres. You can also get fromAlvar to Murmurwoods from here (traveling west), but be ready to run!By the time you get here, the various undead creatures roaming the countryside shouldpresent no difficulties. Even the skeletal dragons are mere shadows of their formerselves. The city of Shadowspire has a lot of minor quests, and quite a few teachers.

Italso has craftsmen that will make things out of ore.If you’ve survived the surrounding country, the Necromancers’ Guildshouldn’t pose any problems. Note the interesting elevators in the game. They havetransparent floors, so they’re a little hard to recognize at first.

Look for a circleof white stone – that tells you the elevator’s ready to go. Get on the elevator,then push the button on the wall.The Vampire Crypt has quite a few vampires, but you can use corridors if they give youany trouble.Yaardrake’s cave is another story. The dragons in this game are very tough, verybig and they fly indoors, which puts you at something of a disadvantage if you’rerelying on melee skills.

They also seem to be immune to Earth magic (despite what the booksays), so Mass Distortion and Rock Blast don’t help. I found that climbing the wallsand getting in close was the best strategy, but don’t try this until your team ispretty strong (at least level 30).The gogs here are similar to the ones in M&M VII, so you don’t want to dawdlearound them.

They move fast and shoot you with Fire Bolt, which will wear you down prettyquickly. Like Murmurwoods, this is not a region with a real city, just a cluster ofhovels, so you’d better be able to heal yourself.

The sound of perseverance reissue rar songs. There are several minor questshere, a black potion maker and a few teachers, but otherwise there’s not muchhappening.The Troll Tomb isn’t very dangerous (gogs are relatively harmless whenthey’re inside), but it’s a three-dimensional maze, and should keep you amusedfor quite a while. Like the other 3-D mazes, it becomes a relief to enter a room withmonsters in it, because you know it’s one you haven’t visited before.The Cyclops Larder is probably best left until fairly late in the game, unless you justfall in love with the vampire and feel you have to promote her. The Cyclopes are tough andcan cast Paralyze, which can get you in trouble if your healer(s) are hit. Rememberthere’s no temple or shops in this region.Once again, there’s a dragon cave in this region, so make sure your party is toughenough before entering.There’s a lot of fighting available in this region, and you can pick your time tostart. You must ally with either the Dragons or the Dragon Hunters, but you can build up alot of experience by fighting the Nagas.

They are in hilly country surrounding the NagaFortress and there are lots of them. Some of them (about one in four) will leave a hidebehind when you kill them. You can get about ten in one party member’s pack, but theysell for 500 gold, so they’re worth having. Just remember where the buyer is!You will probably have to make several trips to Naga country just to get into thevault. The vault itself is a relatively simple maze with buttons here and there. Becareful, though: there is a very powerful trap at one point, so be sure everyone is atmaximum hit points and you’ve cast all the protection spells you can beforeproceeding.There is also another Church of Eep in Garrote Gorge.

These guys definitely have asense of humor! Just rats and ratmen in here, but there’s a button that’s in aless-than-obvious place.When you’re feeling strong enough, you can ally with the powerful Dragons or thecruel Dragon Hunters. I allied with the hunters, but ticked them off later anyway andsacked and pillaged my way through their castle. The Dragon Cave is very tough. Save earlyand often. My strategy was to approach a group of dragons, then turn and run when theystarted to follow, in the hope that I could turn around and only face one or two at atime.

It eventually worked, but it was exhausting. (It’s only a game, right? Sure.)This is the place to learn the Light Magic skill and buy fabulously expensive LightMagic spells. It’s not essential, but casting Day of Protection and Day of the Godsbecomes a habit that you just can’t shake. Murmurwoods village doesn’t have anyof the comforts of civilization, like stores, or a bank, or a healer or transportation, sotry not to get killed, stoned or paralyzed. It’s a long walk to the doctor. It’sprobably best to come here with a lot of money, run to the village, get the Light skilland whatever spells you can affor, then get the heck outa there.The beasts here look harmless but they’re not.

Even the baby unicorns are prettytough, and both they and the wisps move fast. The treasure is above average if you can getto the chests in the unicorn area. There are also basilisks, which are pretty tame,although they can paralyze you, which as mentioned above is no joke. Unfortunately mywizard got hit just as we were entering the Druid Circle, which meant that my Autosave wasclobbered and I hadn’t saved for some time before that.

Very tiresome.I allied with the Sun Temple guys, and didn’t bother going back to wipe them outafter saving the world, but the temple looks pretty easy. You’ll need to have DysonLeland with you if you want to plunder it.The Ancient Troll Homeland is relatively straightforward. It has Wisps, but theycan’t move around much because of the corridor effect, and when they’re trappedthey’re pretty easy meat. Don’t get complacent, however, there are quite a fewof them and they start shooting as soon as they see you. There are also Thunder Lizards,which don’t really live up to their name.

Be sure you kill everything in this dungeonto finish the quest. One of the quests tells you when you’ve killed everything, but Idon’t think it’s this one.The Druid Circle is fairly tough, with the animated boulders and Juggernauts. This isanother area where you’re surrounded by beasts as soon as you get in (actually assoon as you go down in the elevator – and you can’t change your mind until youreach the bottom). There are also traps all around that will inflict noticeable damage, sobe sure you’re all buffed up before you go in. Again, there’s some decenttreasure here, behind secret doors.Murmurwoods is also the area where you get the key to the vault of time.You can get here by ship, which is the safest method, or you can walk from GarroteGorge and battle the Ogres, Wyverns and Gorgons (which look more like stone cows than theugly old broads of legend). There is an excellent collection of treasure chests in opencountry just north of the village, but you have to get past the Gorgons to get it.The Balthazar Lair is a nice 3-D maze, and very difficult if you don’t know thekey. There’s a scroll that has the key in it, and it’s also in the spoilerssection here.

The lair is filled with Tritons, but they can all be lured into the narrowpassageways and dealt with in fairly short order. There’s no temple here untilyou’ve solved the puzzle, but the Tritons don’t have any special magic, so justbe sure you don’t go too long before healing. You’ve GOT to solve this puzzle ifyou want to advance, by the way: this is the only place that has a trainer with unlimitedlevels.The Church of Eep is on an island in this region, and has a couple of the trickierpuzzles (especially if you don’t have anyone with high perception). See if you canfigure it out before going to the spoilers section. Other than that, it’s just theusual rat people.The Barbarian fortress should be pretty tame by the time you get there, just a fewOgres and Mercenaries. There are a number of secret doors, and you have to run around topress the buttons.

Might And Magic 8 Spells


The chests are pretty strongly trapped, but have good treasure. Youwill be in too close to use telekinesis, so be sure everyone has full hit points and thatyour disarm traps guy has some bonus skill points (from a ring or amulet). I think therewas so much stuff here I had to make two trips. You should have Town Portal by this time,so return to Dagger Wound to sell the stuff: the shops in Balthazar Lair will give youabout half what you’ll get in Dagger Wound.You get to Regna by submarine, so don't waste your time waiting for a boat! Onceyou have allied with enough factions, return to the council chamber in Ravenshore and talkto the guys.

Might And Magic 8 Vampire Skills

You will get the Sink the Regnan Fleet quest, and the Pirate Outpostwill magically appear in the southeast quadrant of the Dagger Wound Islands. You'llhave to fly or water walk to get there. One of the pirates is the leader, and if youkill him you'll get a key. Just kill all of them (they're just pirates), take allthe treasure and make sure you've got the key.

Find the secret passage and searcheverywhere and click on everything that has a keyhole. Eventually you'll hit thesubmarine, which will magically take you to Regna and, of course, more pirates.(Before you do that, go back and click on any keyholes you found before you got the key).Regna is relatively easy, although the pirates are a little tougher than the guys onDagger Wound, there are lots of them and it's open country.

Might And Magic 8 Skills

If you've made it thisfar, however, your party should be at a fairly high level and tough enough to kick someserious butt. There are a lot of Grandmaster teachers here for important skills:Sword, Armsmaster, Light and Dark, so be sure your guys are up to level 10 wherenecessary.The Abandoned Pirates Keep is only accessible from the passage under Regna, which inturn is only truly accessible from the Pirate Stronghold.Old Loeb's Cave is the usual dragon cave, with a fairly small number of dragons.The treasure is OK, but the real prize is Duroth the Eternal, a level 50 Great Wyrm.Note that you have to report back to the council that you have Sunk the Regnan Fleetbefore Duroth will speak to you. I didn't recruit a Dragon to my team, as the skillsets weren't broad enough, but it's possible I could have done more damage in meleefighting. Then again, my two knights had some useful non-overlapping skills.(Under Construction)These hints are minor spoilers: they will save time searching and killing entire areaswhen you are looking for something. For example, where is Burn's house in the Planeof Fire.(Under Construction)These are individual solutions to the tougher puzzles. The only one I used myself(from the book) was the Balthazar Lair key, as I was getting tired of running aroundthrowing the same levers.(Under Construction)These are unravelings of the 3-D maps. As they are simply-connected(no loops), I've used a scheme that straightens out all the corners and just hasdirections (Left, Right, Ahead) at each room.All Content Copyright David de Jongh © 2000.