In My Projects Song

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  1. Project Playlist Music

. You will not be able to use it in professional projects.

Project Playlist Music


Tracktion suddenly now plays my project/songs slow (self.WeAreTheMusicMakers) submitted 4 months ago by twothumbsticks. Hi I am not sure if this is the right place to ask questions about this. I am new to Tracktion and cant find a reddit for Tracktion so I would just try my luck here.

You will have to attribute the author -mention it- somewhere. Every webpage and every song are under different free licenses. Have in mind that, almost always, if you download a non-copyrighted song for your project or video and it’s free, it’s going to be under a Creative Commons license.This means that most of the times we will have to attribute -mention- the artist. Attribution means that you have to explain in the video description -or inside the project- who’s the author of the music.For example, if you use the song ‘Odyssey Drums’, from artist Kevin MacLeod and you have downloaded the song from the webpage, you should write a phrase like this one below.

Odyssey Drums from Kevin MacLeod ( is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution license That said, it’s very important to read carefully all the legal terms (there are different Creative Commons licenses and each one has his own different terms) and legal advice of the web page from which you’re downloading the music.If you don’t find any term or you’re not sure about the conditions, don’t risk yourself or your project! PAGES TO DOWNLOAD ROYALTY-FREE MUSICThe best sources for high-quality free Royalty-free music on the Internet are.: Within its audio library has both music and sound effects of all genres, 100% free. Most of the times we would have to attribute the author.

More information on how to do that below. (FMA): Free songs under Creative Commons license. To use them, we should mention the artist in our project.: A mix of musical community and marketplace for downloading songs under license. You can download free music for your projects if they are only for personal use.: Over 70 songs ready to download. The use is limited to personal projects, if we want to put their music on professional ones or on Youtube we will have to purchase a license.: Royalty-Free Music.

Creative Commons licensing by attribution is free (attribution MUST be given to make this legal), but they do suggest a $5 donation as a kindness. If not, we can buy the music for $30 each.: Experimental sounds and songs for video games. Enter here only if you didn’t find what you’re searching for, they have good music.: In between the millions of songs that there are on Soundcloud, there’s some that are available for free use. You will distinguish them because there’s an option to download it legally.: Well classified between genres and moods, there are hundreds of songs on mp3 format for their immediate download.: On this web page you’ll find royalty-free classical music classified by the composer, from Bach to Beethoven.Click on any of these links to download songs that can be used in your personal projects without a problem. However, it is essential that you understand under what kind of licenses these songs are, to know how far their use extends and what you can and cannot do with them.I DON’T WANT TO RISK MY PROJECT OR I DON’T WANT TO ATTRIBUTE THE ARTIST.

WHAT SHOULD I DO?Imagine that you are making a video or audiovisual project. Maybe you’re in one of those situations. You want to use royalty-free music but you don’t want to mention the artist. You want to use the song on a Youtube video and monetize this video. You want to use the song in a professional project, like a corporate presentation, a movie or a broadcast advertisement.In any of these cases, it is best to purchase a paid license.This doesn’t mean an expensive an time-consuming process, you just have to visit, for example, perform a search for the type of music you need, download it and use it. Subscriptions are really cheap since for $16.50 per month you can access a whole library of thousands of songs and download everything you need.

ConclusionYes, downloading free background music is oftentimes easier and convenient. Also, there are times in which a person doesn’t really have a budget to do otherwise.But as your project or Youtube Channel grows, it becomes mandatory to start using music under the corresponding licenses. This will allow you to monetize them, save a lot of time searching for the music and differentiate yourself from the rest. Thankfully, nowadays this has become a quick, cheap and easy option as well, thanks to music libraries like Epidemic Sound.

Really is an all-in-one application. You can begin your productions in the Song files and take these all the way through to the Projects page where your songs can be mastered and finalized.

In the Projects Page you have a bundle of tools that can assist you with mastering your project. Let’s take a look at how the Projects Page works and what’s included to help you with your mastering.Song Files vs Project filesThe first thing to get your head around is the terminology used in Studio One. You have Song files and Project files. The Song files are where you build up your songs such as recording audio, programming MIDI instruments and editing and mixing your audio tracks. The Project file is where you build up your songs for your Audio CD or Digital Release. Mastering effects and processors are applied to bring it up to the standard of commercial releases, and then these songs and finalized to a physical form such as a CD or digitally released to online media such as. Now that that’s cleared up, let’s take a look at how the Projects page works.On the Start Page create a new Project, or you can click on the Project Tab to view your recent Project files.

What happened to project playlist

Pic 4And then on the Post is where your limiters can be added to help increase the overall loudness of the audio.Spectral and Level MetersIncluded with Studio One is a selection of excellent spectral and level meters to help you assess how your tracks are sounding in comparison to each other. Jump between the different tracks on your timeline and view how the frequency of the track is being displayed in the spectral meter. This can give you a good visual indication if some tracks may have more high-end than others or maybe one of them has a slightly bassier sound. Use this spectral meter as a visual aid to make sure what you’re hearing is also what is being displayed. And if needed go back to the track inserts to make and EQ changes. You can also quite easily go back to your song and edit it through the Projects Page, but I’ll talk about how this is done a bit later. Pic 5Under the spectral meter is the level meter that can be used to monitor the overall loudness of your tracks.

Different metering systems can be used. You have a Peak/RMS meter plus you have a choice of different K-metering, which comes in very handy if you work between different styles such as broadcast material through to orchestral and classical music. These K-meters help you as each meter determines a standard across different styles of audio. You can also choose to show the Peak and RMS level on the spectral view. And there is a Correlation Meter next to the Level Meter showing how your audio is transforming across the stereo spread. This is a good tool to look for any phasing issues with your audio.Detect Audio LoudnessAnother handy feature is the Detect Loudness bar.

Just above the Inserts is a Loudness Information tab. Click on this and then choose ‘Detect Loudness’.

This will scan you track and provide you with the loudness information on each track, such as the Peak and RMS levels. You can use this information to adjust the loudness levels of your tracks in your project.

Or you can go back to the song and edit them there. Now let’s talk about how to easily edit your song while in the Project page.

Pic 7If you click this it’ll take you back to the Song file. You can make the necessary changes here, save the song and then jump back to the Project file. When you update the song it’s changes will reflect accordingly in the Project file. So no need to jump between different applications it’s all done within Studio One. On each track is a Mastering File Status light.

If this light is red it means that changes have been made to the Song file. If its blue the Song file is up to date in the project.Click on this indicator light if it’s red and it’ll jump back to the Song file and export out the song.

A message will come up once it’s done that the song file has been updated in the project. Pic 8That’s how easy it is to make song changes within the projects Page.Exporting and Audio CD, Image or Digital ReleaseIn the Projects Page there is a selection of different export options. You can export out your audio CD, or you can export it out as an Image if you’re going to be sending it to a mastering house or for CD Duplication. Then there are the Digital Releases where your audio can be exported out to digital media formats such as MP3, and can be uploaded directly to Soundcloud and Nimbit from within the application. How neat is that! Pic 10ConclusionSo once you’ve built up a collection of songs in Studio One, try out the Projects page and see what it has to offer. There are so many tools and features that will really help get your tracks up to spec with commercial releases.

The visual meters are good tools to really help you with your tracks and confirm what you may be hearing with your ears. Studio One really streamlines the whole process from song creation all the way through to the mastering and finalization of your audio.For more tips and techniques on Studio one check out the following tutorials.