Far Cry 2 Buddy Death

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Your best buddy, the buddy you did the most missions with or for, will suggest alternate or additional 'side quests' to the fixed set of main missions that further the story of Far Cry 2. No matter who the best buddy is, these 'side quests', much like the main missions are always the same. For Far Cry 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Buddy Died After Three Syringes?'

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One part of me is considering picking this up because the idea of an open world shooter set in the merciless expanse of some African hellhole sounds really tempting to me, but the other part of me somewhat doesn't want to have anything to do with it because of how badly people speak of this game. However, there were cases where a game that was widely considered bad (like RE6) turned out to be not so bad at all to me, so there's my question: Is this game really as bad as people make it out to be? Is it really just a festival of gameplay mechanics so annoying they overshadow every good thing this game has, or is there some enjoyment to be found in there?. Personally it's my favourite.

Whilst it is intentionally brutal towards the player, I find that by playing on the hardest difficulty only, you are actually tested on your ability to think ahead and plan your attacks as well as trying to be stealthy. To me Far Cry 3 was a joke since you could easily take out everyone even with a silenced pistol and face no resistance whatsoever.THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT I JUST REMEMBEREDThere are a number of things people commonly complain about.Weapon jamming/degradation. What people don't realise is that weapons wear out by shooting them repeatedly but in order for this to happen you need to shoot at least twice the carrying capacity of the weapons on normal mode. (possibly also by going in and out of water, but that's true its negligible). The solution to this is to replace your weapons at the gun shop after each mission. You learn to plan each mission out so you have a start and end point to replace your gear. You can also use safe house crates and medicine cases to act as mini armouries to replace a few weapons or switch to different types.

(You could do things like put a sniper rifle into the crates and take it out from a safe house to do an assassination mission).Psychic AI - it's not psychic, its just not blind. You can around by making sure to pay attention to which way enemies are facing, and stick to moving through bushes. Night also makes it easier to sneak. To get a totally silenced kill, you need to get a headshot with any silenced weapon, to prevent enemies from making death screams.Re-spawning guard posts - Plan to rarely backtrack if you going back to the same guardpost you just cleared, you're doing it wrong. Also lern 2 offroad drive.


.: October 21, 2008.: October 23, 2008.: October 24, 2008Mode(s),Far Cry 2 is an developed by and published. It was released worldwide for, and in October 2008. It is the second installment of the main series, preceded by 2004's and followed by 2012's. Far Cry 2 is with.Ubisoft has marketed Far Cry 2 as the true sequel to Far Cry, however the sequel has very few noticeable similarities to the original game. Instead, it features completely new characters and setting, as well as a new style of gameplay that allows the player greater freedom to explore different African landscapes such as deserts, jungles, and savannas.

The game takes place in a modern-day nation during civil war. The player takes control of a mercenary on a lengthy journey to locate and assassinate 'The Jackal', a notorious.Far Cry 2 was met with positive reception upon its release, with critics praising the game's setting, open-ended gameplay, visuals and AI, while criticism was directed at glitches, design choices and the writing. By January 2009, the game had sold nearly three million copies.

This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( May 2017) Far Cry 2 is a sequel to the original. The game features an experience. Players are able to ally with one or multiple factions, and to progress through the game world and missions as they see fit, resulting in a nonlinear style of gameplay commonly referred to as that allows the story to progress at their speed and in the order they choose.

Players can use a range of vehicles, including, and, to travel within the 50 km 2 (19 sq mi) gameplay area. The playing styles range from head-on assaults to stealthy infiltrations and assassinations. The game takes place in a sprawling African landscape, with terrain ranging from to to.Various factions and vehicles are featured; enemies include human mercenaries.

There is a dynamic weather system that has a day-night cycle and different weather conditions such as storms and strong winds. The time of day also affects the behavior of AI, in terms of enemy alertness and aggressiveness; for example, an enemy might have a slightly heightened awareness at night, but be unable to see the player in hiding, while during the hot part of the day the enemies might be sitting in the shade in groups but easily spot the player from a distance.The health bar represents the health of the protagonist that is divided into five segments, each of which automatically refills if it is not depleted and the player finds cover for a few seconds. Players carry a limited supply of which can be used at any time to fully replenish the health bar, and are obtainable from first aid boxes located throughout the game world, specifically at guard posts. When nearing death (only one health bar remaining), the character must perform on himself, for example removing bullets with pliers, or snapping twisted or broken fingers into position. Exploring a dense African jungle, while holding an. Weapons The player has access to a large arsenal of real world weapons, including,.

The game breaks these weapons down into three inventory slots, each with a specific list of weapons assigned to it.In addition to the three selectable types of weapons, a is carried at all times, which can be used to execute enemies and the player can carry a number of. All weapons in the game are 'mirrored', with ejection ports, charging handles and other user-operated parts on the left side; the exception being the belt-fed machine guns which eject to the right (though this means the is still mirrored). Further changes are made to some, such as the having a side ejection port.A major gameplay feature is that these weapons degrade over time. Weapons become dirty and prone to jamming and will eventually become completely unusable. The player can purchase weapons at various gun shops, which provide an unlimited supply of the weapon in serviceable condition, along with manuals to upgrade weapon's reliability and accuracy. More weapons can be unlocked at the gun shop by completing missions involving the destruction of competitors' arms convoys for the gun shop owner.

Far Cry 2 Buddy Died No Matter What

Weapons can also be picked up off of fallen enemies, but they are always in their most degraded condition and can only be used for a short period of time before jamming and ultimately breaking down completely.Realism. Locating a diamond-briefcase with the help of the proximity sensor (the green ).The game has realistic features such as weapon degradation and the dynamic weather system. The player needs to hold a physical map and use a handheld navigation system (which highly resembles a military-type GPS) to get around, but they are automatically updated as the player travels through the environment. The player is able to tag certain objects and locations such as cars, sniper towers, ammo pickups and buildings, so that they are able to monitor them on their map. When vehicles are damaged the player must perform a short repair animation, involving the tightening of one of the bolts on the radiator (assault trucks), headers (buggy) or other interior part with a. The player must also deal with different levels of.

Every 30 to 40 minutes in real time, the player must take a pill in order to combat the blinding and potentially deadly effects of the illness.The allows complex sequences and run-events during gameplay; the game features a day-and-night cycle, as well as tree and vegetation regeneration. A unique fire propagation mechanism, which allows a small fire to spread and eventually cause large brush fires, may be used either to the player's advantage during combat or against the player. The behavior of fire is dependent on factors such as wind speed, wind direction, rain, and vegetation type. For example, a fire may not spread as easily in a lush, moist jungle environment compared to dry, grassy plains and savannahs.Several species of animals can be encountered in the game, and are able to distract the enemy as well as make them aware of the player's presence.

All the large animals in the game are grazing, such as,. Also domestic animals such as goats and chickens can be found. None of the wildlife found in the game pose any direct threat to the player. Enemies encountered speak four native African languages, namely, and.Multiplayer Multiplayer in Far Cry 2 attempts to include the dynamic elements of the single-player game (such as fire propagation) and to provide as accessible gameplay as possible so that it is available to all skill levels and so that players have specific gameplay aspects to keep in mind when designing their own maps in the map editor. It also includes a vast number of vehicles.Online matches can be held for a maximum of 16 players.

Four modes are available with the shipping of the game, consisting of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Diamond (a slight variation of the standard as the flags are replaced with diamonds), and Uprising. The Uprising mode provides a twist on a node-capture match by including a captain for each team. Only captains can capture the designated points across the map, and a team must assassinate the enemy captain after capturing all the points to win the round.Multiplayer gameplay is class based, with six classes available. The Commando is the standard grunt class, with an assault rifle; the Sharpshooter specializes in long range with conventional sniper rifles; the Guerrilla excels in close combat and ambush with shotguns; the Rebel uses explosives and fire with flamethrowers and rocket launchers; the Gunner provides heavy firepower with light machine guns and rocket launchers; and the Saboteur uses stealth and silenced weapons. Each class can choose an appropriate primary weapon and a side arm, as well as explosives such as frag grenades or Molotov cocktails. Players are able to unlock more powerful weapons within each class by spending up to three 'blood diamonds' on a class; the diamonds are earned through the experience points from killing other players and completing objectives.

Potential upgrades for individual weapons within a class include operation manuals, maintenance manuals, and.The Multiplayer has a ranking system which awards points for killing enemy players, reviving friendly players, capturing control points, and capturing diamonds.Synopsis Setting Far Cry 2 takes place in late 2008 in a small, failed Central African state, currently embroiled in a horrible civil war. The government has recently collapsed, leaving two factions vying for control. At war are the United Front for Liberation and Labour (UFLL, led by Addi Mbantuwe, a former opposition leader) and the Alliance for Popular Resistance (APR, led by Oliver Tambossa, Chief of Staff for the former government).

Far Cry 2 Download


Both factions have claimed to have the people's interests at heart, but both have shown ruthlessness, warmongering, greed, and a general disregard for the well-being of the people. Both sides have hired many foreign mercenaries to bolster their strength over the course of the conflict. The recent exhaustion of the nation's diamond mines has thrown the nation into further turmoil, leaving many foreign mercenaries without payment and no way out.The goal of the player's character is to find and assassinate the Jackal, an arms dealer who has been selling weapons to both sides of the conflict. The player must accomplish this goal by whatever means necessary, even if he has to succumb to the immorality of the warring factions and the Jackal himself.Characters The playable characters include Warren Clyde , Quarbani Singh (-), Paul Ferenc (-), Xianyong Bai , Marty Alencar , Frank Bilders , Josip Idromeno , Hakim Echebbi and Andre Hyppolite. The non-playable characters include Flora Guillen (-), Nasreen Davar , and Michele Dachss.The main enemy of the game is a sadistic but intelligent arms-dealer known as the Jackal, whose guns are fueling the violence in the country. He is notorious for selling his impressive-quality weapons at very cheap prices and being fearless.

He affirms his knowledge of by quoting 's at the beginning of the game and having little to no remorse for all the death he has caused. Various tape recordings throughout the game reveal his thoughts and beliefs, in one of the tapes he reveals he is a. It is rumored that the Jackal has cancer, and does not have very long to live.

Despite all of the chances he has, the Jackal never tries killing the protagonist, and simply uses him as a tool to cause more chaos as the protagonist hunts for him. In the end, it is revealed that the Jackal is seeking redemption from his life as an arms-dealer, and wishes to cleanse the country of its war.The two factions each have a leader and second in command.

The UFLL's leader is Addi Mbantuwe and his subordinate's name is Leon Gakumba. The UFLL's lieutenants are Hector Voorhees, Anto Kankaras, and Joaquin Carbonell. The APR's leader is Major Oliver Tambossa and his subordinate's name is Prosper Kouassi. The APR's lieutenants are Nick Greaves, Walton Purefoy, and Arturo Quiepo.Buddies All of the playable characters are different types of. The playable characters the player does not choose to play become who are friends of the player's character and who can be found in bars around the in-game nation. These friends are called Buddies and they can serve various roles in the game. All of the buddies offer side missions to the player, completion of which increases that buddy's standing with the player.

Additionally there are a few 'extra' buddies that can be found. In any playthrough the buddies that can be met is random and not all buddies will appear. The player's 'Best Buddy' and 'Second Best Buddy' can play additional roles.The player's 'Best Buddy' can provide the player alternate, or 'subverted' ways to complete most of the main story missions. These subverted missions always require more steps than the standard mission, but they often make the final objective easier: if a player has to assault an enemy barge, they can either assault the barge while it is in motion, or, a buddy can direct the player to retrieve components for a bomb to blow up a bridge, simply crushing the barge beneath it. Completing subverted missions also increases the player's standing with the best buddy and adds 'upgrades' to every in the region, such as vehicles parked outside, medical pickups and ammo pickups. However, the inevitable final objective of a subverted mission will always be that the player must rescue their buddy, who, by the end of the mission, will have become heavily outnumbered.

The player must choose to either take on a shorter, more difficult mission, or a longer but easier mission.The player's 'Second Best Buddy' can come to the player's aid when they fall in battle if they are 'rescue ready'. The buddy will move them to a safer location, then revive them and help fight off the remaining enemies. The buddy then needs to recuperate and will be ready to save the player again once they are visited at a safehouse.Buddies can be wounded or killed in battle during subverted missions, buddy rescues, and other circumstances. When a buddy dies, their death is permanent, and they will not be replaced. When all of the player's buddies are dead, subverted missions and buddy rescues are no longer available.

When buddies are wounded in battle, they will mark their position with a and cry out for help. The player can choose to render aid, or simply leave the buddy to die. If the buddy's wounds are minor enough, the player can inject them with a to fully heal them.

However, if the buddy's injuries are too severe, the player's only option is to them by either them with or looking away and shooting them in the head. Buddies usually have three 'lives' where if they're shot down a third time, the player will not be able to save them. Their last words before death are usually 'thank you.'

Plot The game begins with the player's character given a mission to kill an infamous arms dealer known as 'The Jackal'. The player lands in the northern territory of Leboa-Sako and is introduced to the harsh reality of life in the country. En route to the town of Pala, the player begins to suffer from and passes out. They wake up with the Jackal standing over them, who briefly offers the player some insight into his philosophy by quoting from 's about the will to power. He threatens to kill the player but chooses to spare him.Meanwhile, the ceasefire in Pala has collapsed and the APR and UFLL are at war. The player either passes out with malaria after managing to escape or is severely wounded before he can escape.


The player is revived by a lieutenant of one of the factions and is forced to conduct errands in exchange. After helping a journalist named Reuben Oluwagembi regarding the conflict and the Jackal's part in it, the player acquires malaria medicine from a priest defending civilians. They are then forced to work with both the APR and UFLL in Leboa-Sako, each using the player as a deniable agent to avoid a full-scale war. Main article:Ubisoft has developed a new engine specifically for Far Cry 2, called Dunia, meaning 'world' in.The Dunia engine was built specifically for Far Cry 2 by development team. It delivers realistic semi-destructible environments, special effects such as dynamic fire propagation and storm effects, real-time night-and-day cycle, system and non-scripted enemy A.I actions.The engine takes advantage of as well as multiple processors and supports DirectX 9 as well as DirectX 10.

Only 2 or 3 percent of the original code is re-used, according to Michiel Verheijdt, Senior Product Manager for Ubisoft Netherlands. Additionally, the engine is less hardware-demanding than CryEngine 2, the engine used in.Far Cry 2 also supports the technology from. With the proper hardware, this adds effects like vibrations, ambient colored lights, and fans that generate wind effects.Marketing and release. Promotion at 2008 Ubidays 2008 During Ubisoft's Ubidays, held in on May 28–29, 2008, Ubisoft revealed brand new video footage for Far Cry 2.

Along with the new footage, Ubisoft displayed in-game screenshots showing off the visuals rendered by Ubisoft's Dunia Engine (see engine). A video of Ubisoft Montreal's developers talking about the upcoming game's features can be seen on 's website.Additional content is available to those who pre-order it at. Dubbed the GameStop Exclusive Pre-Order Edition, the package sells at the same price point as the regular, and includes bonus missions, a fold out map and different packaging. Retail versions To celebrate the release of Far Cry 2, Ubisoft unveiled the Far Cry 2 Collectors' Edition, available in certain territories outside the U.S., which included real-life content such as a making-of DVD, a T-shirt, and an art book.The United States receives a separate Limited Edition package, available exclusively for those who pre-order it at. Dubbed the GameStop Exclusive Pre-Order Edition, the package sells at the same price point as the regular, and includes the following:.

Six Bonus Missions with about three extra hours of gameplay;. A fold out map of the open world of Far Cry 2;. Exclusive game packaging.The 'bonus missions' mentioned here are not truly exclusive to GameStop pre-orders. The content, a set of missions revealing information about the previous individual sent to assassinate The Jackal, is present on all Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 Far Cry 2 game discs, and can be unlocked with one of several non-unique eight-character codes. In the UK, a limited edition 'steel book' edition of the game is also available with differing art work to the standard release.Novels Around the time of the game's release, the second of two Far Cry novels were published in Germany, authored by Michael Bhatty. The first novel primarily tells the story of the first game, and also features the sequel's Marty Alencar as a character, as well as including a flashback scene taking place in Far Cry 2 's African setting.

The second novel acts as a prequel of sorts to the game, with the plot focusing on Paula, a war veteran-turned-mercenary, and her struggle in the diamond conflicts and civil war which are the focus of Far Cry 2. Both of these novels feature a character not seen in either game called Zaman, an former CIA agent who acts as a trainer and mentor to both Paula and Jack Carver. Like the game engine, Zaman's name is of origin, which means 'Time' or 'Era' in.Downloadable content On November 21, 2008, Ubisoft announced 'Fortune's Pack' which includes three new weapons, an Exploding Crossbow, Ceremonial Shotgun, and Silenced Shotgun; vehicles, including a utility truck and ATV; and five new multiplayer maps. The Fortune's Pack is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Network although, it has also been released on PC but is no longer available on its own. It is only available with purchase of the full game.On February 9, 2009, Ubisoft announced 'Hardcore' mode would be coming to Far Cry 2. A new damage model is applied with increased damage for all weapons.PlayStation Home Ubisoft has released two for Far Cry 2 for the PlayStation 3's online community-based service,.

These two spaces are the 'Train Station' and 'Reuben's Office' from the game. In the train station, users can play a mini-game and there is a newspaper clipping that users can read. In Reuben's office, users can play a mini-game called 'Interactive Map', view dossiers and play the mini-game 'Reuben's Report'.

These spaces are only available to users of the European and North American versions of PlayStation Home. These spaces were released during the on October 16, 2008 for the North American version and on January 22, 2009 for the European version which was after the open beta launch on December 11, 2008.On July 2, 2009, Ubisoft released a patch for Far Cry 2 that enabled full game launching support, allowing users to set up a multi-player game in Home, and from there launch directly into the game. Reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore85/100Review scoresPublicationScoreB+8/108/105/58.5/10(PC) 8.9/10(PS3/X360) 8.8/1094%10/104/5Far Cry 2 received 'generally favorable' reviews, according to review aggregator. Free brother hl-2040 driver download.

The graphics that went into the open-world design and the African setting were generally praised. Critics also liked the intelligent enemies who actively hunt for the player, but noted that it was occasionally unresponsive.

Some critics, such as Terrence Jarrad in the first Australian review of the game, praised all three aspects: 'The unique setting, brilliant AI, and palpable atmosphere make Far Cry 2 a quintessential gaming experience.' The main criticisms of the game were the long time it took to travel from one objective to another, constantly respawning enemies, the lack of information within the plot, and the not-so-compelling storyline.