Skyrim With Guns Mod

Jul 31, 2012 Guns for skyrim i'm with the flintlock weaponry, wouldn't mind some pirate cannons (or whatever you call them) and ship fights. Though that's hell to script i guess. My 2 cents; There won't be any good pistol/rifle mods out there until dawnguard is released, mostly because i bet the crossbow mechanics will work 50 times better than those staff-animations. After that, you just need to make sure the mod is checked in the Skyrim launcher under Data Files. The total feature set includes: authentic flintlock rifle, blunderbuss, and grenade launcher, animated and rigid. Ammo with different damage values. Three different bayonets (short, long, sword) for the flintlock rifle.
Skyrim Gun Mods Xbox One
What's Up I Hope You Guy's Enjoyed This Video And Make Sure To Subscribe Hit The Like Button If You Enjoyed:D Thanks For Your Support! And Don't Forget To Check Out My Other Video's What Is Up Guy's In This Video ill show case the skyrim P3WP3W1 mod know as Skyrim gun's this mod was made by HungSkeelto make sure to click the link then add it to your favorites then load your xbox up then look in your favorites on your xbox and it should be there for you to downloadLink:Follow Me On Twitter:Follow Me On TwitchMy Instagram.
Skyrim With Guns Mod 2
Today we are talking to Dan Taylor, a professional level designer who has in the past worked for Eidos, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Rockstar (among others) on games such as Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Hitman: Sniper, or Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Dan - who started out as a modder for Morrowind, Skyrim, and Fallout New Vegas - has close to two decades of experience in the video game industry under his belt and his talk on Ten Principles for Good Level Design at the Game Developer's Conference 2013 is cu.