Fallout 3 Energy Weapons Mod
Sometimes, it's the simplest changes that have the biggest impact. Removes the green tint from Fallout 3, revealing clear blue skies and spectacular sunsets. Additionally, it removes the green fog, neutralizes the indoor lighting, and changes out the water in most places.
This page lists all weapons in Fallout 3. The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles. For weapons in other Fallout games, please see 'Weapon'. For an overview of Fallout 3 content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout 3'. Fallout 3 - The Liberty Rifle Mod. This mod adds three new Energy Weapons-based sniper rifles. The basic Liberty Rifle can be bought at Craterside Supply or Flak and Shrapnel's. To get the Sovereign Rifle, seek out Fort Bannister. There is a third Rifle that you must craft using the Sovereign Rifle.
It might seem like a minor change, but the impact is nothing short of startling. However, removing the green tint makes the nights super dark, so you'll need to make full use of that PIP-boy flashlight.It works alongside the mod, giving areas heavy thunderstorms (with radioactive rain) and snow. The dynamic weather system may also provide cover, making it easier to sneak up on people during downpours.Energy Weapons EnhancedEnergy weapons may be some of the most fun guns featured in Fallout 3, but they have some underwhelming effects. Aims to fix that problem combining aspects from the Energy Visuals Enhanced mod with dozens of new guns, and changes to how existing ones work.Now you can properly melt the flesh from your enemies using a fancy weapons, including an energy bolt sniper rifle.
Older energy weapons, modeled after guns found in Fallout 1 & 2 are extremely powerful, but slow firing and inefficient. They'll gobble up tons of ammo. However, some of the newer weapons (the ones that are part of Fallout 3), have a faster fire rate, and use less ammo, but don't do as much damage. Also, be careful while wandering the Capital Wasteland. With this mod, a handful of supermutants will arm themselves with energy weapons.Mart's Mutant Mod. Looking for a little more life diversity in the Capital Wasteland? Well, brings them to you by adding a ton of new creatures for you to encounter.
Their AI is also enhanced so that monsters will hunt each other, and smarter enemies will even loot corpses for better gear. With this mod, monsters will no longer be as cookie cutter, since their sizes have been randomized. Ever square-off against a gigantic radscorpion? Here's your chance, wanderer. In response to the increased wildlife threat around the Wasteland, merchants are now accompanied by power armored mercenaries that are armed to the teeth.Sydney Follower.
One of the most memorable characters from Fallout 3 is Sydney, the Relic Hunter from the Stealing Independence quest. However, once the quest is done, she decides it's better to strike it out on her own than to adventure with players. The mod changes that mistake by making Sydney a full-fledged companion for to keep the player company.It would have been easy to have a mindless automaton journey alongside players, but the mod takes the experience to an all new level. Sydney is fully interactive with 420 lines of dialogue, voiced by the original actress. Additionally, she can help repair weapons or prepare meals with ingredients found in the world, and both these skills improve over time.
Not to mention little touches, like fidgeting while waiting and gulping down Whiskey when you give her some, along with different hairstyles. Sydney could be the last companion you'll ever need in the Capital Wasteland.Fallout 3: Wanderers Edition. Life in the Capital Wasteland is dangerous and harsh, but things could always be worse. Make them worse with the mod. It overhauls many of the game's aspects to turn Fallout 3 into a full-on survival game. Enemies are stronger and weapons are more powerful, but ammunition is incredibly scarce.
Furthermore, you have to eat, drink and sleep in order to stay alive. Fortunately, the mod has a few new features to help you get by, including a means of using Action Points to enter bullet time. Additionally, if you have high enough charisma, you can recruit up to 5 followers and deck them out however you wish. You could be the biggest band of badasses to ever wander the Capital Wasteland. The mod works very nicely with Mart's Mutant Mod. Keep in mind that FWE won't work without, so be sure to install it first.Tenpenny Tower Reborn.
Tenpenny Tower is a bastion for the wealthy elite, who don't mind blowing up some of the lesser settlements should the mood strike them. It also has a strict 'No Ghouls' policy. With the mod, this building can transform from a beacon of prejudice and exclusion to one of peace, and co-existing prosperity. No massacre required! But first, you must stop a certain character from achieving his evil plans.After completing the quest and pursuing the path of peace, players are rewarded with the key to the penthouse suite, which is decorated with three new room, an aquarium, and a little secret to uncover. Furthermore, residents will get some new clothes, and act like real people.
So, expect them to have kids, step outside for a smoke, and drink Nuka Cola. Security will also be significantly boosted, and if ghouls are allowed to live in the tower, then they will help guard the building from harm.NMC Texture Pack. Developed by NeilMC, who single-handedly replaced almost every environmental texture in the game over the course of a year, the brings new life to what might otherwise be a dated looking game. The pack retains the original art direction, but makes it look better.
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The texture pack comes in several different sizes, so pick the one that best suits the power of your computer. However the pack might not work with all of the DLC add-ons. There' s only so much a single modder can do.Better High Detail Map and Icons.
Fallout 3, like all of Bethesda’s games, is a mod paradise. If you’re looking for the best Fallout 3 mods, you’ve found them right here in our handy list. The game has so many systems to fiddle with, so much lore to expand on, and plenty of iffy-looking NPCs in need of a graphical face lift.
Thanks to the modding community, Fallout 3 is a vastly different game now than it was at launch.If you’re planning on revisiting the bombed-out remains of Washington DC before, then these are the mods we recommend packing for the trip. How do I install Fallout 3 mods? Installing a single mod into Fallout 3 is easy.
All you need to do is place the new files you’ve downloaded into the ‘Data’ folder of your Fallout 3 installation. If you have the Steam version, typically this will be:C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsCommonFallout 3DataWindows will alert you that you’re overwriting files, so press ‘OK’ to accept the changes. It’s best to make a backup of your Data folder before you start modding in case you need to return Fallout 3 to its original form.You’re probably going to want lots of mods installed though, so it’s best to use the Fallout Mod Manager. This installs and uninstalls mods for you with a lot more ease than doing it manually. To set it up, first download and install the program.
It’s then useful to create a folder on your hard drive called ‘Fallout 3 mods’ or something similar. Downloaded mods come in.zip files, so use something like WinRAR to extract the mod files into your new ‘Fallout 3 mods’ folder.In Fallout Mod Manager, open the ‘Package Manager’ using the button to the right hand side of the window. The new window will have a button labelled ‘Add FOMod’.
Click this, and then use the file browser to find your mod folder and select the mod you wish to install. The mod will now be displayed in the Package Manager window, with a tick box next to it. If the checkbox is ticked, the mod will be active in your game. Simply untick if you want to remove the mod. Essential Fallout 3 ModsFallout 3 Mod ManagerFallout 3 isn’t supported by the Steam Workshop, so you’ll have to mod it the traditional, slightly fiddly way.

The whole process of adding mods to the game can be made a whole lot easier with the though, so it’s essential you grab it before applying anything.Fallout Script ExtenderAdding lots of mods to the game may require an extension of Fallout 3’s scripting capabilities. This tiny mod will make sure the game’s script is sufficiently extended to allow hundreds of mods to work simultaneously.Unofficial Fallout 3 PatchFallout 3 is a Bethesda game, so it’s no surprise that it’s a bit on the buggy side. The is an ongoing effort to eliminate every glitch and bug in the game, and so far has done a wonderful job.
Fallout 3 More Energy Weapons Mod
Essential if you want a smooth experience.Better Game PerformanceA ‘does what it says on the tin’ mod, removes unused items that you’ll never notice are missing in order to boost the overall performance of the game.FO3 Wanderers Editionis a massive overhaul mod for Fallout 3, altering core game mechanics to create a better sense of immersion and a higher degree of challenge. The FPS elements of the game are tweaked and beaten into shape so it plays as a shooter much more effectively. The role-playing mechanics are refined to enhance choice and consequence and depth of character.Fallout 3 Re-AnimatedThere’s no denying that Fallout 3’s character animation is definitely on the naff side. Stiff, ugly, and sort of Action Man-like, it effectively shatters the illusion that you are interacting with people. This helps rectify that by replacing gameplay-related animations.FelloutFallout 3 is obsessed with the colour green, so much so everything is seen through a hazy green filter. It is, at least for many players, god damn ugly. Gets rid of the green and allows a more natural colour pallette to shine through, evoking the style of the original Fallout games.
Graphical Fallout 3 ModsEnergy Visuals EnhancedFallout’s energy weapons don’t so much as crackle but fizzle out. In short: they’re no where near as cool as they should be. Changes that, adding loads of cool graphical effects to muzzle flash, projectiles, and impacts. Plasma rifles are finally as brilliant to use as they sound.Flora OverhaulFallout’s world is, by design, entirely barren. Not a shrub or grass patch in sight.
Changes this, and is available in a variety of different settings. Forested Edition adds wonderful trees, plants, flowers, and grasses to the game for a much more overgrown DC wasteland, whilst Dead Edition and Total Devastation lean closer towards Bethesda’s original vision.Fallout 3 RedesignedFormally known as Project Beauty HD, transforms Fallout’s NPCs into far more natural looking models.
The whole facial model is adjusted to look less potato-like, with better skin tones than the grubby originals. It’s a bit fiddly to install, so follow the instructions carefully, but it’s worth the hassle.Enhanced CameraFallout 3’s first person view is typical of many games in that it’s just a floating set of eyes. The adds a physical body to the game for you to inhabit, meaning you can finally see what your legs look like without resorting to the truly horrific third-person view. Also any acts that automatically swap to third-person (such as standing or sitting) will now be performed in immersion-sustaining first-person.Blackout ENBENB’s are well known for bringing games closer to photorealism, and does a fine job with Fallout 3. High quality SSAO, Depth of field, Bloom, and anamorphic lens effects are added, with enhanced in-game shadows, color correction and eye adaptation. It’s also compatible with night vision and thermal vision so night time raids will still be easily accomplished.ENB First Person TransparencyIf you’re going to use the ENB mod, you’ll also need this fix to prevent your hands and arms going all transparent like jelly.NMC Texture PackTexture packs go a long way to helping older games feel more modern than they are, and the is a vital tool to keeping Fallout fresh. It replaces almost all environmental textures with HD variants; be that the ground and walls, building interiors, furniture, vehicles, and even litter.Enhanced WeatherFallout doesn’t really have weather, it’s just kind of drab and cloudy all day.
Adds rain, snow, and thunderstorms to the wasteland’s climate. You can even gain a sneak bonus during storms, using the howl of the wind to cover your steps.Project Realitydoes a great deal with lighting – both sun and moon – to add a more realistic atmosphere to the game. Features like heat haze and eye adapting help the immersion, and a variety of retooled sound effects add some authenticity to Fallout’s audio. Like Enhanced Weather, things like thunderstorms and radioactive rain are also part of Project Reality.Enhanced Blood TexturesThanks to explosive rounds and the slow-motion VATs system, you’re going to be seeing a lot of blood during your time in Fallout 3. Don’t settle for low-res spoonfuls of jam; get some high quality blood spatter with this.Fallout Street LightsAdd a little atmosphere to your nighttime wasteland strolls with this mod, adding light beams to all the streetlamps and signs in the game. Some even flicker on and off for that authentic broken technology feel.Hi-Res WeaponsGive a nice, high-resolution coat of paint to many of Fallout 3’s weapons with this mod.
Since they’re in your hands and close-up for most of the game, this really helps keep the game looking pretty.Pip-Boy HD RetextureAnother thing you’ll be spending a lot of time looking at in Fallout 3 is your wrist-mounted Pip-Boy, so why not make it easier on the eyes and double its resolution from the one Bethesda provides with this.MTUI interface modFallout 3 isn’t very good at making the most of screen real estate, so the tweaks the User Interface to display a lot more information at any one time. The days of scrolling through dialogue options or Pip-Boy pages is over.Gameplay Fallout 3 ModsUnderground HideoutIf you want a little place to call your own in DC, then grab this mod. Located at the southeast end of the Wasteland near Rivet City, the vault includes everything a wasteland survivor could need, including a stocked armory, display areas, item sorters, and special weapons.Mothership Zeta CrewYou’ll need the Mothership Zeta DLC for this mod to work. When you finish the DLC, you’ll find yourself in command of a starship, but with very little in the form of a crew.
With this mod installed, a button on the starship can be pressed to engage a new quest line that will see you recruit a new crew that will become a faction worthy to go up against the Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel.Mart’s Mutant ModA mod all about adding diversity, adds more variety when it comes to creatures and NPCs, as well as adding whole new enemies and friendlies to meet during your travels. It makes every NPC unique in stats, size, and skin textures. There’s also a lot of AI sharpening going on behind the scenes, ensuring variety is not only in the visuals but also the way enemies behave.Real Time SettlerOne of the big things coming to Fallout 4 is the ability to build settlements and start trade routes between them.
If you want that kind of feature right now, adds something similar to Fallout 3. You can build your own village, decorate it how you wish, and then start manufacturing weapons and armour to sell on the black market.Weapon Mod KitsWeapons are not just single answers to all problems. Sometimes they need adjusting to work for the job. If you could do with a silencer adding to that pistol. A scope on that rifle, or an extended magazine in that machinegun, you need the mod. Simply take it to a workbench and start upgrading.Existence 2.0 Robot RadioNot everyone is going to be at home listening to a bit of swing or jazz music on their Pip-Boy, so it was only a matter of time before a modder opened up a new broadcast channel. Is DJ’d by a robot, who sends out ‘experimental ambient terror’ music over the waves.
Whatsmore, the mod actually puts a physical recording studio for the station in the world, which you can visit to learn more about the robotic DJ.Alternate Fast TravelSome players despite fast travel systems, so this mod retools Fallout 3’s travel system to be more akin to the logical method as used in Morrowind. Now you can only fast-travel from certain places, with paths that only lead to specific destinations.
For example, you could catch a boat from Big Town to Rivet City, which has a couple of stops on the way you could hop off at.Arefu ExpandedThe mod takes the simple shack-like settlement of Arefu and turns it into a thriving wasteland village. 16 lore-friendly characters are added, who can help you out with new quests, as well as a new player home for you to bunk in.DCnteriors ProjectLike so many open-world games, Fallout 3 is filled with uncountable locked doors you’ll never see behind (because they’re just set dressing, not real doors). The mod changes all that, adding hundreds of new areas to explore behind doors that were previously just scenery.
From shops to abandoned houses, plenty more looting opportunities await you.Simple RealismWhilst many mods overhaul many of Fallout’s features and mechanics for a tougher experience, is all about keeping as close to Bethesda’s style as possible, whilst also keeping your life expectancy in the realms of reality. Simple Realism reduces ammo supplies, makes weapons deadlier, reduces the amount you can carry, and makes you much more susceptible to radiation.Sydney FollowerSydney is an NPC that can help you out during the Stealing Independence quest. She disappears after, but if you’d rather she stuck around forever, then this mod allows you to recruit her as a follower.
The mod includes 400 lines of additional dialogue for Sydney, all voiced by the original voice actress, so it’s an authentic experience.Alton, ILFallout 3 is set in Washington DC, and lets you explore a very sizable city with all it’s tourist attractions and underground metro system. If that’s not enough for you, then the mod adds the city of Alton, Illinois to the game. Essentially an expansion pack, it contains a branching main quest with two rivalling factions, loads of lore, and full voice acting. The world is about twice the size of the Point Lookout DLC, so there’s plenty to explore.FOOK 2, like Wanderers Edition, is a full overhaul of Fallout 3 to offer a slightly different experience. It adds a huge collection of new weapons, armours, and items, rebalances the damage system, and retextures many items with HD skins. There’s also some bug fixes in there too.
For the full experience, you’ll want to combine FOOK 2 with Wanderers Edition, but to make the two work together you’ll need.Galaxy News Radio EnhancedGalaxy News Radio has a great set of tunes, but the playlist is a bit on the limited side. This mod adds 100 new songs to the station, as well as adding new sections to news broadcasts, and allowing DJ Three Dog to talk to you after you hit level 20.Sprint modThe wasteland is a pretty big world, and you’ve got places to be. Make that trip quicker by modding your character so they can. As long as you have AP, you can run faster than you ever have before.Iron SightsFallout 3 isn’t all that great at the shooting side of things. You can improve the guns experience with a few mods though, and this mod will allow you to use the sights on weapons for a feel closer to regular FPS games.Ultimate Perk PackAs you progress through the levels of Fallout, you can pick up new perks to make your character more powerful and useful. The mods the game to have a massive collection of new perks that add interesting new qualities to your character.Vault 101 RevisitedA short questline that sees you returning to the Vault where you used to live. Explores the possibility of the people of 101 opening the door and rejoining the outside over the course of four new quests.If all this Fallout 3 modding has got you in the mood for a more modern visit to the nuclear apocalypse, you’ll certainly be looking forward to Fallout 4.
Check out, from the story to all the new gameplay features.